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Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2025 09:10:15 +0000
From: Arthur Simchaev <Arthur.Simchaev@...disk.com>
To: Can Guo <quic_cang@...cinc.com>, Bean Huo <huobean@...il.com>,
"martin.petersen@...cle.com" <martin.petersen@...cle.com>,
"quic_mapa@...cinc.com" <quic_mapa@...cinc.com>
CC: Avri Altman <Avri.Altman@...disk.com>, Avi Shchislowski
<Avi.Shchislowski@...disk.com>, "linux-scsi@...r.kernel.org"
<linux-scsi@...r.kernel.org>, "linux-kernel@...r.kernel.org"
<linux-kernel@...r.kernel.org>, "bvanassche@....org" <bvanassche@....org>
Subject: RE: [PATCH] ufs: core: bsg: Add hibern8 enter/exit to
> I can understand that you want to use hibern8 enter&exit to trigger a RCT to
> kick start the EOM, however there is a better/simpler way to do so: you can
> trigger a power mode change to the same power mode (e.g., from HS-G5 to
> HS-G5) to trigger a RCT (without invoking hibern8 enter&exit) from user layer
> by dme_set(PA_PWRMODE).
> FYI, we have open-sourced Qcom's EOM tool in GitHub and validated the EOM
> function on most UFS4.x devices from UFS vendors, you can find the code for
> your reference:
> https://github.com/quic/ufs-tools/blob/main/ufs-cli/ufs_eom.c#L266
> The recent change from Ziqi Chen is to serve the power mode change purpose
> I mentioned above:
> https://lore.kernel.org/all/20241212144248.990103107@linuxfoudation.or
> g/
> Hope above info can help you.
> Thanks,
> Can Guo.
Thank you, Can.
I am familiar with this very useful tool. In fact, I published the patch due to the tool
In order to extend the debug functionality from the user space.
In my opinion, the hibern8 enter function can be used in a similar manner as the PMC.
For instance, if the host fails to change the power mode to FAST MODE with NO ADAPT.
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