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Message-ID: <CANiq72mR66wn5T7WYCzyyan5dEQDQAyBvtzC381jfWgC6R8K9Q@mail.gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2025 16:42:25 +0100
From: Miguel Ojeda <miguel.ojeda.sandonis@...il.com>
To: Oliver Mangold <oliver.mangold@...me>
Cc: Miguel Ojeda <ojeda@...nel.org>, Alex Gaynor <alex.gaynor@...il.com>,
Boqun Feng <boqun.feng@...il.com>, Gary Guo <gary@...yguo.net>,
Björn Roy Baron <bjorn3_gh@...tonmail.com>,
Benno Lossin <benno.lossin@...ton.me>, Andreas Hindborg <a.hindborg@...nel.org>,
Alice Ryhl <aliceryhl@...gle.com>, Trevor Gross <tmgross@...ch.edu>,
Asahi Lina <lina@...hilina.net>, rust-for-linux@...r.kernel.org,
Subject: Re: [PATCH v7 0/4] New trait OwnableRefCounted for ARef<->Owned conversion.
On Mon, Mar 10, 2025 at 11:57 AM Oliver Mangold <oliver.mangold@...me> wrote:
> - Squash patch to make Owned::from_raw/into_raw public into parent
In this case, given the changes are minimal (and assuming you didn't
discuss it with Lina), I would have personally used the [ ] notation
to explain the change from the original patch, and that's it, rather
than a Co-developed-by tag -- but do not worry about it :)
Also, in general, please wait at least a couple of days or ideally a
week between versions (unless it is urgent etc.). Otherwise, it can
get confusing for reviewers and so on.
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