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Message-ID: <7de8de7c-4dc3-40c6-8435-122f72944850@kernel.org>
Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2025 10:53:29 +0800
From: Chao Yu <chao@...nel.org>
To: Daeho Jeong <daeho43@...il.com>, linux-kernel@...r.kernel.org,
linux-f2fs-devel@...ts.sourceforge.net, kernel-team@...roid.com
Cc: chao@...nel.org, Daeho Jeong <daehojeong@...gle.com>
Subject: Re: [f2fs-dev] [PATCH] f2fs: add carve_out sysfs node
On 3/12/25 02:29, Daeho Jeong wrote:
> From: Daeho Jeong <daehojeong@...gle.com>
> For several zoned storage devices, vendors will provide extra space
> which was used for device level GC than specs and F2FS can use this
> space for filesystem level GC. To do that, we can reserve the space
> using reserved_blocks. However, it is not enough, since this extra
> space should not be shown to users. So, with this new sysfs node,
> we can hide the space by substracting reserved_blocks from total
> bytes.
> Signed-off-by: Daeho Jeong <daehojeong@...gle.com>
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