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Message-ID: <Z9Lto6tbWS0kR6gK@pollux>
Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2025 15:37:23 +0100
From: Danilo Krummrich <>
To: Alexandre Courbot <>
Cc: Miguel Ojeda <>, Alex Gaynor <>,
	Boqun Feng <>, Gary Guo <>,
	Björn Roy Baron <>,
	Benno Lossin <>,
	Andreas Hindborg <>,
	Alice Ryhl <>, Trevor Gross <>,,
Subject: Re: [PATCH] rust/revocable: add try_with() convenience method

Hi Alex,

Thanks for looking into this!

On Thu, Mar 13, 2025 at 09:40:59PM +0900, Alexandre Courbot wrote:
> Revocable::try_access() returns a guard through which the wrapped object
> can be accessed. Code that can sleep is not allowed while the guard is
> held ; thus, it is common that the caller will explicitly need to drop
> it before running sleepable code, e.g:
>     let b = bar.try_access()?;
>     let reg = b.readl(...);
>     // Don't forget this or things could go wrong!
>     drop(b);
>     something_that_might_sleep();
>     let b = bar.try_access()?;
>     let reg2 = b.readl(...);

Ideally, we get klint to protect us against those kind of mistakes too.

> This is arguably error-prone. try_with() and try_with_ok() provides an
> arguably safer alternative, by taking a closure that is run while the
> guard is held, and by dropping the guard automatically after the closure
> completes. This way, code can be organized more clearly around the
> critical sections and the risk is forgetting to release the guard when
> needed is considerably reduced:
>     let reg = bar.try_with_ok(|b| b.readl(...))?;
>     something_that_might_sleep();
>     let reg2 = bar.try_with_ok(|b| b.readl(...))?;

However, that's much more convenient and a great improvement.

Feel free to add

	Acked-by: Danilo Krummrich <>

> Unlike try_access() which returns an Option, try_with() and
> try_with_ok() return Err(ENXIO) if the object cannot be acquired. The
> Option returned by try_access() is typically converted to an error in
> practice, so this saves one step for the caller.
> try_with() requires the callback itself to return a Result that is
> passed to the caller. try_with_ok() accepts a callback that never fails.
> Signed-off-by: Alexandre Courbot <>

Since I proposed something like that in one of the nova threads (and in Zulip),
feel free to also add

	Suggested-by: Danilo Krummrich <>

> ---
> This is a feature I found useful to have while writing Nova driver code
> that accessed registers alongside other operations. I would find myself
> quite confused about whether the guard was held or dropped at a given
> point of the code, and it felt like walking through a minefield ; this
> pattern makes things safer and easier to read IMHO.
> ---
>  rust/kernel/ | 22 ++++++++++++++++++++++
>  1 file changed, 22 insertions(+)
> diff --git a/rust/kernel/ b/rust/kernel/
> index 1e5a9d25c21b279b01f90b02997492aa4880d84f..0157b20373b5b2892cb618b46958bfe095e428b6 100644
> --- a/rust/kernel/
> +++ b/rust/kernel/
> @@ -105,6 +105,28 @@ pub fn try_access(&self) -> Option<RevocableGuard<'_, T>> {
>          }
>      }
> +    /// Tries to access the wrapped object and run the closure `f` on it with the guard held.
> +    ///
> +    /// This is a convenience method to run short non-sleepable code blocks while ensuring the
> +    /// guard is dropped afterwards. [`Self::try_access`] carries the risk that the caller
> +    /// will forget to explicitly drop that returned guard before calling sleepable code ; this
> +    /// method adds an extra safety to make sure it doesn't happen.
> +    ///
> +    /// Returns `Err(ENXIO)` if the wrapped object has been revoked, or the result of `f` after it
> +    /// has been run.
> +    pub fn try_with<R, F: Fn(&T) -> Result<R>>(&self, f: F) -> Result<R> {
> +        self.try_access().ok_or(ENXIO).and_then(|t| f(&*t))
> +    }
> +
> +    /// Tries to access the wrapped object and run the closure `f` on it with the guard held.
> +    ///
> +    /// This is the same as [`Self::try_with`], with the exception that `f` is expected to
> +    /// always succeed and thus does not need to return a `Result`. Thus the only error case is if
> +    /// the wrapped object has been revoked.
> +    pub fn try_with_ok<R, F: Fn(&T) -> R>(&self, f: F) -> Result<R> {
> +        self.try_with(|t| Ok(f(t)))
> +    }
> +
>      /// Tries to access the revocable wrapped object.
>      ///
>      /// Returns `None` if the object has been revoked and is therefore no longer accessible.
> ---
> base-commit: 4d872d51bc9d7b899c1f61534e3dbde72613f627
> change-id: 20250313-try_with-cc9f91dd3b60
> Best regards,
> -- 
> Alexandre Courbot <>

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