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Message-ID: <FVGSxd1MnXRpE-pFRUfir1aDE-OhtwQdkv9vkiVh2814rWpmpa1GTNSqiLNd9cRoqCRC5zlj1cIynt6wGbgZ8rz5rJP6aPtDPSHIcZVuU7E=@protonmail.com>
Date: Sat, 15 Mar 2025 05:37:24 +0000
From: Turritopsis Dohrnii Teo En Ming <teo.en.ming@...tonmail.com>
To: "linux-kernel@...r.kernel.org" <linux-kernel@...r.kernel.org>
Cc: "ceo@...-en-ming-corp.com" <ceo@...-en-ming-corp.com>
Subject: Singapore Government hackers have absolute control over Teo En Ming's Android/Linux/BSD/Windows devices and online internet accounts for the past 18 years
Subject: Singapore Government hackers have absolute control over Teo En Ming's Android/Linux/BSD/Windows devices and online internet accounts for the past 18 years
For Immediate World Wide Release
15 March 2025 Saturday
Good day from Singapore,
Singapore Government hackers have absolute control over Mr. Turritopsis Dohrnii Teo En Ming's Android/Linux/BSD/Windows laptops, desktop computers, servers (collectively known as "devices") and online internet accounts for the past 18 years or more.
Singapore Government hackers have persistently hacked into my devices and online internet accounts and doing whatever they want for the past 18 years or more.
Do Android/Linux/BSD/Windows and all the other operating systems in the world have Backdoors for governments in every country to come in uninvited?
Singapore Government hackers also have absolute control over my online internet accounts. Is it because the Singapore Government is using Government Mind Control Technology (GMCT) to read my mind and thoughts without my permission, and hence the Singapore Government is able to know all of my passwords by mind reading?
Dear Singapore Government, please stop hacking into, stop controlling, and stop doing whatever you want in my devices and online internet accounts. You are encroaching on and violating my human rights.
I tried suing the Singapore Government repeatedly at various and numerous International Law Courts more than 10 years ago but they say they have no jurisdiction. What can I do?
Thank you very march.
Mr. Turritopsis Dohrnii Teo En Ming
Targeted Individuals in Singapore
GIMP = Government-Induced Medical Problems
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