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Message-ID: <b168d04e-0a71-45a5-898f-31555ce306fb@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2025 10:08:32 -0400
From: "Peter F. Patel-Schneider" <pfpschneider@...il.com>
To: Hans de Goede <hdegoede@...hat.com>,
Gašper Nemgar <gasper.nemgar@...il.com>
Cc: ike.pan@...onical.com, linux-kernel@...r.kernel.org,
"platform-driver-x86@...r.kernel.org" <platform-driver-x86@...r.kernel.org>
Subject: Re: [PATCH] Fixed ideapad-laptop driver to support Yoga 9 2 in 1
14imh9 unknown keys
On 3/16/25 4:41 AM, Hans de Goede wrote:
> Hi Gašper,
> On 14-Mar-25 12:35 PM, Gašper Nemgar wrote:
>> Thanks for the feedback,
>> I will go over your notes here and explain things.
>> The Eye button on windows triggeres "Eye Care mode" https://download.lenovo.com/consumer/mobiles_pub/yoga_9i_2-in-1_14_9_ug_en.pdf#page=50 <https://download.lenovo.com/consumer/mobiles_pub/yoga_9i_2-in-1_14_9_ug_en.pdf#page=50>, does linux have a keycode as something like this, i didn't found any, should we jus assign it to one of the programmable keys?
> Yes that sounds like the best solution.
>> I will handle the performance as you have suggested, thanks
> You're welcome.
>> The shift + prtSc i have made a mistake here, i meant the Fn + prtSc.
>> Just PrtSc is handled by a different device ("AT Translated Set 2 keyboard") and is not managed by this module. evtest told me it sends SysRq code which is intended and it triggers the selective screenshot.
> Right, e.g. GNOME does not really differentiate between sysrq/printscreen
> and KEY_SELECTIVE_SCREENSHOT and always uses the dialog instead of making
> printscreen directly take a full screen screenshot. Still making this
> the Fn + printscreen comboe send KEY_SELECTIVE_SCREENSHOT is the right thing
> todo and is also done on other laptop models with the same icon.
>> If I assign the Fn + PrtSc to KEY_SELECTIVE_SCREENSHOT the evtest shows
> me it triggers code 634 and code name is "?". Is this correct behaviour?
> This just means that your evtest is a bit old and does not know about
> Regards,
> Hans
I have this laptop and did some digging to find out which keys use WMI, how
they are described by Lenovo, what they do now, and a suggestion for what to
do with them if different. I think that this is a comprehensive list.
The descriptions are from the User Guide Yoga 9i 2-in-1 (14″, 9) from Lenovo.
Key: Microphone Mute (Fn+F4)
WMI Code: 0x3e
Described as: p43 Enables/Disables the microphone.
Status: Already handled in ideapad_laptop
Key: Airplane Mode (Fn+F8)
WMI Code: 0x3f
Described as: p43 Enables/Disables airplane mode
Status: Already handled in ideapad_laptop
Key: Star with S inside (right of F12)
WMI code: 0x1
Described as: p27&43 Displays the Lenovo Smart Key quick launch panel.
Status: Already handled in ideapad_laptop
Key: Snip (Fn+PrtSrc)
WMI Code: 0x2d
Described as: p43 Opens the Snipping tool.
Status: Proposed patch uses KEY_PROG3.
Suggestion: KEY_CUT 137
Note: If the snipping tool does a selective screenshot then the
Key: Performance Meter (just below Delete)
WMI Code: 0x3d
Described as: p44 Switches the computer’s active operation mode.
Suggestion: KEY_PROG4 203
Rationale: There already is a mapping from a thermal management button to
KEY_PROG4 in ideapad_laptop.
Note: I think that it is better to not hardwire keys.
Key: Speaker with gear (just below Perf key)
WMI Code: 0x12
Described as: p44 Switches the computer’s active audio mode.
Status: Already handled in indeapad_laptop
Key: KEY_PROG2 149
Key: Eye (just below Speaker with gear key)
WMI code: 0x45
Desribed as: p44 Turns on/off the Eye Care mode.
Status: Proposed patch uses KEY_DISPLAYTOGGLE.
Rationale: This KEY_DISPLAYTOGGLE appears to be for switching screens, not
adjusting brightness/color.
Key: Star (just below Eye key)
WMI code: 0x44
Described as: p44 Opens a custom (user-defined) app.
Status: In proposed patch
Key: KEY_PROG1 148
Key: Fn+Esc
WMI code: 0x2 or 0x3
Described as: p20 Switch F<n> hotkey behaviour.
Status: Explicitly ignored in ideapad_laptop, as the switching is done in the
Key: Fn+spce
Described as: p43 Adjusts the keyboard backlight. (Done in device.)
WMI code: 0x41
Status: The code is not mentioned in ideadpad_laptop. The backlight is
adjusted by the device.
Suggestion: Document with an explicit ignore.
Key: Fn+M
Described as: p21 Enable/disable the touchpad.
WMI code: 0x29
Suggestion: KEY_TOUCHPAD_TOGGLE 0x212
Key: Fn+N
Described as: p21 Shows device information.
WMI code: 0x2a
Suggestion: KEY_ROOT_MENU 0x26a
Note: There doesn't seem to be a really good match for this.
Key: Fn+Q
Described as: p21&32 Switch among different performance modes.
WMI code: 0x3d
Suggestion: KEY_PROG4 203
Rationale: Same as Perf key
Key: Fn+R
Described as: p21&32 Change the display refresh rate.
WMI code: 0x10
Status: Already in ideapad_laptop.
>> On Fri, 14 Mar 2025 at 10:34, Hans de Goede <hdegoede@...hat.com <mailto:hdegoede@...hat.com>> wrote:
>> Hi Gašper,
>> Thank you for your patch.
>> First if all a few generic notes:
>> 1. When sending out v2 of the patch please add
>> platform-driver-x86@...r.kernel.org <mailto:platform-driver-x86@...r.kernel.org> to the Cc
>> 2. The patch subject (first line of commit message) should have
>> a prefix describing the subsystem + driver, e.g. use:
>> "platform/x86: ideapad-laptop: Add a few new keymap entries"
>> 3. Your patch is missing a signed-off-by, see:
>> https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/process/submitting-patches.html#sign-your-work-the-developer-s-certificate-of-origin <https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/process/submitting-patches.html#sign-your-work-the-developer-s-certificate-of-origin>
>> 4. Your commit message / patch should also have a body, e.g.
>> the entirety of the commit message could look something like this:
>> -- begin --
>> platform/x86: ideapad-laptop: Add a few new keymap entries
>> The Yoga 9 2 in 1 14imh9 introduces 4 new hotkeys which are not
>> yet in ideapad_keymap[], add entries to map these keys.
>> Signed-off-by: Gašper Nemgar <your-email-here>
>> -- end --
>> A few more specific remarks below based on looking at
>> this picture of the keyboard:
>> https://ardes.bg/uploads/original/lenovo-yoga-9-2-in-1-14-g9-550178.jpg <https://ardes.bg/uploads/original/lenovo-yoga-9-2-in-1-14-g9-550178.jpg>
>> On 13-Mar-25 4:17 PM, Gašper Nemgar wrote:
>> > diff --git a/drivers/platform/x86/ideapad-laptop.c b/drivers/platform/x86/ideapad-laptop.c
>> > index 30bd366d7..af124aafe 100644
>> > --- a/drivers/platform/x86/ideapad-laptop.c
>> > +++ b/drivers/platform/x86/ideapad-laptop.c
>> > @@ -1308,6 +1308,14 @@ static const struct key_entry ideapad_keymap[] = {
>> > /* Specific to some newer models */
>> > { KE_KEY, 0x3e | IDEAPAD_WMI_KEY, { KEY_MICMUTE } },
>> > { KE_KEY, 0x3f | IDEAPAD_WMI_KEY, { KEY_RFKILL } },
>> > + /*Star- (User Asignable Key)*/
>> > + { KE_KEY, 0x44 | IDEAPAD_WMI_KEY, { KEY_PROG1 } },
>> Ack.
>> > + /*Eye*/
>> It looks like the laptop already does display-toggle as Fn-F7 although
>> it like sends super + P for this (AKA meta + P).
>> So mapping this to KEY_DISPLAYTOGGLE seems wrong, what does this
>> do under Windows?
>> Maybe KEY_ZOOM ?
>> > + /*Performance*/
>> > + { KE_KEY, 0x3d | IDEAPAD_WMI_KEY, { KEY_SPORT } },
>> I think that instead of mapping this it should be handled specially
>> and call platform_profile_cycle() instead of sending a key-press
>> to userspace
>> > + /*shift + prtsc*/
>> > + { KE_KEY, 0x2d | IDEAPAD_WMI_KEY, { KEY_PROG3 } },
>> Looking a the symbol on the keyboard this should send
>> >
>> > { KE_END },
>> > };
>> >
>> Regards,
>> Hans
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