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Message-ID: <048d2f33-2697-4ede-9814-d8e9f3aeb732@acm.org>
Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2025 15:32:51 -0700
From: Bart Van Assche <bvanassche@....org>
To: ZhangHui <zhanghui31@...omi.com>, alim.akhtar@...sung.com,
avri.altman@....com, James.Bottomley@...senPartnership.com,
Cc: ebiggers@...gle.co, peter.griffin@...aro.org, linux-scsi@...r.kernel.org,
Subject: Re: [PATCH] ufs: crypto: add host_sem lock in ufshcd_program_key
On 3/17/25 4:01 AM, ZhangHui wrote:
> On Android devices, we found that there is a probability that
> the ufs has been shut down but the thread is still deleting the
> key, which will cause the bus error.
How does this patch guarantee that crypto keys are evicted before the
UFS driver has been shut down? This should be explained in detail in the
patch description.
> Let's fixed this issue by adding a lock in program_key flow.
There are multiple synchronization objects owned by the UFS driver. Why
'host_sem' and not any other synchronization object?
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