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Message-ID: <20250320-vec-methods-v1-4-7dff5cf25fe8@google.com>
Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2025 13:52:59 +0000
From: Alice Ryhl <aliceryhl@...gle.com>
To: Danilo Krummrich <dakr@...nel.org>
Cc: rust-for-linux@...r.kernel.org, linux-kernel@...r.kernel.org,
Alice Ryhl <aliceryhl@...gle.com>
Subject: [PATCH 4/5] rust: alloc: add Vec::drain_all
This is like the stdlib method drain, except that it's hard-coded to use
the entire vector's range. Rust Binder uses it in the range allocator to
take ownership of everything in a vector in a case where reusing the
vector is desirable.
Implementing `DrainAll` in terms of `slice::IterMut` lets us reuse some
nice optimizations in core for the case where T is a ZST.
Signed-off-by: Alice Ryhl <aliceryhl@...gle.com>
rust/kernel/alloc/kvec.rs | 57 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 57 insertions(+)
diff --git a/rust/kernel/alloc/kvec.rs b/rust/kernel/alloc/kvec.rs
index df930ff0d0b85b8b03c9b7932a2b31dfb62612ed..303198509885f5e24b74da5a92382b518de3e1c0 100644
--- a/rust/kernel/alloc/kvec.rs
+++ b/rust/kernel/alloc/kvec.rs
@@ -564,6 +564,30 @@ pub fn truncate(&mut self, len: usize) {
// len, therefore we have exclusive access to [`new_len`, `old_len`)
unsafe { ptr::drop_in_place(ptr) };
+ /// Takes ownership of all items in this vector without consuming the allocation.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// let mut v = kernel::kvec![0, 1, 2, 3]?;
+ ///
+ /// for (i, j) in v.drain_all().enumerate() {
+ /// assert_eq!(i, j);
+ /// }
+ ///
+ /// assert!(v.capacity() >= 4);
+ /// ```
+ pub fn drain_all(&mut self) -> DrainAll<'_, T> {
+ let len = self.len();
+ // INVARIANT: The first 0 elements are valid.
+ self.len = 0;
+ // INVARIANT: The first `len` elements of the spare capacity are valid values, and as we
+ // just set the length to zero, we may transfer ownership to the `DrainAll` object.
+ DrainAll {
+ elements: self.spare_capacity_mut()[..len].iter_mut(),
+ }
+ }
impl<T: Clone, A: Allocator> Vec<T, A> {
@@ -1049,3 +1073,36 @@ fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {
+/// An iterator that owns all items in a vector, but does not own its allocation.
+/// # Invariants
+/// Every `&mut MaybeUninit<T>` returned by the iterator contains a valid `T` owned by this
+/// `DrainAll`.
+pub struct DrainAll<'vec, T> {
+ elements: slice::IterMut<'vec, MaybeUninit<T>>,
+impl<'vec, T> Iterator for DrainAll<'vec, T> {
+ type Item = T;
+ fn next(&mut self) -> Option<T> {
+ let elem = self.elements.next()?;
+ // SAFETY: By the type invariants, we may take ownership of the value in this
+ // `MaybeUninit<T>`.
+ Some(unsafe { elem.assume_init_read() })
+ }
+ fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
+ self.elements.size_hint()
+ }
+impl<'vec, T> Drop for DrainAll<'vec, T> {
+ fn drop(&mut self) {
+ if core::mem::needs_drop::<T>() {
+ while self.next().is_some() {}
+ }
+ }
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