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Message-ID: <20250321104557426O89NLhm9SSuAOJwRDq75V@zte.com.cn>
Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2025 10:45:57 +0800 (CST)
From: <tang.dongxing@....com.cn>
To: <horms@...nel.org>
Cc: <krzk@...nel.org>, <davem@...emloft.net>, <feng.wei8@....com.cn>,
<shao.mingyin@....com.cn>, <xie.ludan@....com.cn>,
<edumazet@...gle.com>, <kuba@...nel.org>, <pabeni@...hat.com>,
<netdev@...r.kernel.org>, <linux-kernel@...r.kernel.org>,
<yang.guang5@....com.cn>, <yang.yang29@....com.cn>,
<ye.xingchen@....com.cn>, <xu.xin16@....com.cn>
Subject: Re: [PATCH] net: atm: use sysfs_emit_at() instead of scnprintf()
>On Mon, Mar 17, 2025 at 05:09:02PM +0800, tang.dongxing@....com.cn wrote:
>> >On 17/03/2025 08:51, tang.dongxing@....com.cn wrote:> From: TangDongxing <tang.dongxing@....com.cn>
>> >>
>> >> Follow the advice in Documentation/filesystems/sysfs.rst:
>> >> show() should only use sysfs_emit() or sysfs_emit_at() when formatting
>> >> the value to be returned to user space.
>> >>
>> >> Signed-off-by: Tang Dongxing <tang.dongxing@....com.cn>Dear ZTE,
>> >
>> >Can you slow down? You sent a bunch of emails with similar issues which
>> >means that dozen of maintainers will deal with the same issues
>> >independently. This looks like another vivo or huawei style submission,
>> >leading to bugs sneaked via flood of patches.
>> >
>> >First, fix the name used in the SoB (see submitting patches) to match
>> >Latin transcription.
>> >
>> >Second, use proper SoB chain, see submitting patches.
>> >
>> >Third, really, really be sure that what you send is correct. You already
>> >got quite responses, but you still keep sending patches.
>> >
>> >Fourth, respond to received feedback instead of flooding us with more of
>> >this!
>> Dear Krzysztof,
>> Thank you for your feedback. I apologize for my previous submissions.
>> Regarding the issues you've pointed out:
>> I will correct the name used in the SoB to ensure it matches the Latin transcription as required.
>> I will double-check my work before sending any further updates.
>> I appreciate your guidance and will follow the submission guidelines more carefully going forward. If you have any further advice or resources to help me improve my submissions, I would be grateful for your input.
>> Best regards,
>> Tang Dongxing
>Thanks Tang Dongxing,
>Further to Krzystof's comments: please coordinate with your colleague
>Xie Ludan who has also posted a patch in this area.
> https://lore.kernel.org/all/20250317152933756kWrF1Y_e-2EKtrR_GGegq@zte.com.cn/
>It will be much easier for review if there is a single patch
>that addresses these issues for ATM.
>Also, please consider reading the following guidance on processes
>for the networking subsystem of the Linux kernel. These are similar
>but different to other subsystems.
> https://docs.kernel.org/process/maintainer-netdev.html
Dear SimonHroman,
Thank you for your guidance. I have contacted Xie Ludan,
we recommend that the community review be based on the https://lore.kernel.org/all/20250317152933756kWrF1Y_e-2EKtrR_GGegq@zte.com.cn/
I will carefully read the the networking subsystem guidance before sending any further updates.
Best regard,
Tang Dongxing
From: horms <horms@...nel.org>
To: Tang Dongxing10346056;
Cc: krzk <krzk@...nel.org>;davem <davem@...emloft.net>;Feng Wei10332721;Shao Mingyin10345846;Xie Ludan00297061;edumazet <edumazet@...gle.com>;kuba <kuba@...nel.org>;pabeni <pabeni@...hat.com>;netdev <netdev@...r.kernel.org>;linux-kernel <linux-kernel@...r.kernel.org>;Yang Guang10296924;Yang Yang10192021;Ye Xingchen10329245;Xu Xin10311587;
Date: 2025/03/20 19:44
Subject: Re: [PATCH] net: atm: use sysfs_emit_at() instead of scnprintf()
On Mon, Mar 17, 2025 at 05:09:02PM +0800, tang.dongxing@....com.cn wrote:
> >On 17/03/2025 08:51, tang.dongxing@....com.cn wrote:> From: TangDongxing <tang.dongxing@....com.cn>
> >>
> >> Follow the advice in Documentation/filesystems/sysfs.rst:
> >> show() should only use sysfs_emit() or sysfs_emit_at() when formatting
> >> the value to be returned to user space.
> >>
> >> Signed-off-by: Tang Dongxing <tang.dongxing@....com.cn>Dear ZTE,
> >
> >Can you slow down? You sent a bunch of emails with similar issues which
> >means that dozen of maintainers will deal with the same issues
> >independently. This looks like another vivo or huawei style submission,
> >leading to bugs sneaked via flood of patches.
> >
> >First, fix the name used in the SoB (see submitting patches) to match
> >Latin transcription.
> >
> >Second, use proper SoB chain, see submitting patches.
> >
> >Third, really, really be sure that what you send is correct. You already
> >got quite responses, but you still keep sending patches.
> >
> >Fourth, respond to received feedback instead of flooding us with more of
> >this!
> Dear Krzysztof,
> Thank you for your feedback. I apologize for my previous submissions.
> Regarding the issues you've pointed out:
> I will correct the name used in the SoB to ensure it matches the Latin transcription as required.
> I will double-check my work before sending any further updates.
> I appreciate your guidance and will follow the submission guidelines more carefully going forward. If you have any further advice or resources to help me improve my submissions, I would be grateful for your input.
> Best regards,
> Tang Dongxing
Thanks Tang Dongxing,
Further to Krzystof's comments: please coordinate with your colleague
Xie Ludan who has also posted a patch in this area.
It will be much easier for review if there is a single patch
that addresses these issues for ATM.
Also, please consider reading the following guidance on processes
for the networking subsystem of the Linux kernel. These are similar
but different to other subsystems.
pw-bot: changes-requested
<div class="zcontentRow"><p>>On Mon, Mar 17, 2025 at 05:09:02PM +0800, tang.dongxing@....com.cn wrote:</p><p>>> >On 17/03/2025 08:51, tang.dongxing@....com.cn wrote:> From: TangDongxing <tang.dongxing@....com.cn></p><p>>> >> </p><p>>> >> Follow the advice in Documentation/filesystems/sysfs.rst:</p><p>>> >> show() should only use sysfs_emit() or sysfs_emit_at() when formatting</p><p>>> >> the value to be returned to user space.</p><p>>> >> </p><p>>> >> Signed-off-by: Tang Dongxing <tang.dongxing@....com.cn>Dear ZTE,</p><p>>> ></p><p>>> >Can you slow down? You sent a bunch of emails with similar issues which</p><p>>> >means that dozen of maintainers will deal with the same issues</p><p>>> >independently. This looks like another vivo or huawei style submission,</p><p>>> >leading to bugs sneaked via flood of patches.</p><p>>> ></p><p>>> >First, fix the name used in the SoB (see submitting patches) to match</p><p>>> >Latin transcription.</p><p>>> ></p><p>>> >Second, use proper SoB chain, see submitting patches.</p><p>>> ></p><p>>> >Third, really, really be sure that what you send is correct. You already</p><p>>> >got quite responses, but you still keep sending patches.</p><p>>> ></p><p>>> >Fourth, respond to received feedback instead of flooding us with more of</p><p>>> >this!</p><p>>> </p><p>>> Dear Krzysztof,</p><p>>> Thank you for your feedback. I apologize for my previous submissions.</p><p>>> Regarding the issues you've pointed out:</p><p>>> I will correct the name used in the SoB to ensure it matches the Latin transcription as required.</p><p>>> I will double-check my work before sending any further updates.</p><p>>> I appreciate your guidance and will follow the submission guidelines more carefully going forward. If you have any further advice or resources to help me improve my submissions, I would be grateful for your input.</p><p>>> Best regards, </p><p>>> Tang Dongxing</p><p>></p><p>>Thanks Tang Dongxing,</p><p>></p><p>>Further to Krzystof's comments: please coordinate with your colleague</p><p>>Xie Ludan who has also posted a patch in this area.</p><p>></p><p>> https://lore.kernel.org/all/20250317152933756kWrF1Y_e-2EKtrR_GGegq@zte.com.cn/</p><p>></p><p>>It will be much easier for review if there is a single patch</p><p>>that addresses these issues for ATM.</p><p>></p><p>>Also, please consider reading the following guidance on processes</p><p>>for the networking subsystem of the Linux kernel. These are similar</p><p>>but different to other subsystems.</p><p>></p><p>> https://docs.kernel.org/process/maintainer-netdev.html</p><p><br></p><p>Dear SimonHroman,</p><p><br></p><p>Thank you for your guidance. I have contacted Xie Ludan,</p><p>we recommend that the community review be based on the https://lore.kernel.org/all/20250317152933756kWrF1Y_e-2EKtrR_GGegq@zte.com.cn/</p><p>I will carefully read the the networking subsystem guidance before sending any further updates.</p><p><br></p><p>Best regard,</p><p><br></p><p>Tang Dongxing</p><p style="font-size:14px;font-family:微软雅黑,Microsoft YaHei;"><br></p><p style="font-size:14px;font-family:微软雅黑,Microsoft YaHei;"><br></p><p style="font-size:14px;font-family:微软雅黑,Microsoft YaHei;"><br></p><p style="font-size:14px;font-family:微软雅黑,Microsoft YaHei;"><br></p><div class="zhistoryRow" style="display:block"><div class="zhistoryDes" style="width: 100%; height: 28px; line-height: 28px; background-color: #E0E5E9; color: #1388FF; text-align: center;">Original</div><div id="zwriteHistoryContainer"><div class="control-group zhistoryPanel"><div class="zhistoryHeader" style="padding: 8px; background-color: #F5F6F8;"><div><strong>From: </strong><span class="zreadUserName">horms <horms@...nel.org></span></div><div><strong>To: </strong><span class="zreadUserName" style="display: inline;">Tang Dongxing10346056;</span></div><div><strong>Cc: </strong><span class="zreadUserName" style="display: inline;">krzk <krzk@...nel.org>;</span><span class="zreadUserName" style="display: inline;">davem <davem@...emloft.net>;</span><span class="zreadUserName" style="display: inline;">Feng Wei10332721;</span><span class="zreadUserName" style="display: inline;">Shao Mingyin10345846;</span><span class="zreadUserName" style="display: inline;">Xie Ludan00297061;</span><span class="zreadUserName" style="display: inline;">edumazet <edumazet@...gle.com>;</span><span class="zreadUserName" style="display: inline;">kuba <kuba@...nel.org>;</span><span class="zreadUserName" style="display: inline;">pabeni <pabeni@...hat.com>;</span><span class="zreadUserName" style="display: inline;">netdev <netdev@...r.kernel.org>;</span><span class="zreadUserName" style="display: inline;">linux-kernel <linux-kernel@...r.kernel.org>;</span><span class="zreadUserName" style="display: inline;">Yang Guang10296924;</span><span class="zreadUserName" style="display: inline;">Yang Yang10192021;</span><span class="zreadUserName" style="display: inline;">Ye Xingchen10329245;</span><span class="zreadUserName" style="display: inline;">Xu Xin10311587;</span></div><div><strong>Date: </strong><span class="">2025/03/20 19:44</span></div><div><strong>Subject: </strong><span class="zreadTitle"><strong>Re: [PATCH] net: atm: use sysfs_emit_at() instead of scnprintf()</strong></span></div></div><div class="zhistoryContent">On Mon, Mar 17, 2025 at 05:09:02PM +0800, tang.dongxing@....com.cn wrote:<br>> >On 17/03/2025 08:51, tang.dongxing@....com.cn wrote:> From: TangDongxing <tang.dongxing@....com.cn> <br>> >> <br>> >> Follow the advice in Documentation/filesystems/sysfs.rst:<br>> >> show() should only use sysfs_emit() or sysfs_emit_at() when formatting<br>> >> the value to be returned to user space.<br>> >> <br>> >> Signed-off-by: Tang Dongxing <tang.dongxing@....com.cn>Dear ZTE,<br>> > <br>> >Can you slow down? You sent a bunch of emails with similar issues which<br>> >means that dozen of maintainers will deal with the same issues<br>> >independently. This looks like another vivo or huawei style submission,<br>> >leading to bugs sneaked via flood of patches.<br>> > <br>> >First, fix the name used in the SoB (see submitting patches) to match<br>> >Latin transcription.<br>> > <br>> >Second, use proper SoB chain, see submitting patches.<br>> > <br>> >Third, really, really be sure that what you send is correct. You already<br>> >got quite responses, but you still keep sending patches.<br>> > <br>> >Fourth, respond to received feedback instead of flooding us with more of<br>> >this!<br>> <br>> Dear Krzysztof,<br>> Thank you for your feedback. I apologize for my previous submissions.<br>> Regarding the issues you've pointed out:<br>> I will correct the name used in the SoB to ensure it matches the Latin transcription as required.<br>> I will double-check my work before sending any further updates.<br>> I appreciate your guidance and will follow the submission guidelines more carefully going forward. If you have any further advice or resources to help me improve my submissions, I would be grateful for your input.<br>> Best regards, <br>> Tang Dongxing<br> <br>Thanks Tang Dongxing,<br> <br>Further to Krzystof's comments: please coordinate with your colleague<br>Xie Ludan who has also posted a patch in this area.<br> <br> https://lore.kernel.org/all/20250317152933756kWrF1Y_e-2EKtrR_GGegq@zte.com.cn/<br> <br>It will be much easier for review if there is a single patch<br>that addresses these issues for ATM.<br> <br>Also, please consider reading the following guidance on processes<br>for the networking subsystem of the Linux kernel. These are similar<br>but different to other subsystems.<br> <br> https://docs.kernel.org/process/maintainer-netdev.html<br> <br>-- <br>pw-bot: changes-requested</div></div></div></div><p><br></p></div>
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