#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include typedef uint32_t u32; typedef uint16_t u16; typedef uint8_t u8; #ifndef TUNGETFEATURES #define TUNGETFEATURES _IOR('T', 207, unsigned int) #endif #ifndef IFF_GSO_HDR #define IFF_GSO_HDR 0x4000 #endif static bool use_gso = true; static bool write_all(int fd, const void *data, unsigned long size) { while (size) { int done; done = write(fd, data, size); if (done < 0 && errno == EINTR) continue; if (done <= 0) return false; data += done; size -= done; } return true; } static bool read_all(int fd, void *data, unsigned long size) { while (size) { int done; done = read(fd, data, size); if (done < 0 && errno == EINTR) continue; if (done <= 0) return false; data += done; size -= done; } return true; } static uint32_t str2ip(const char *ipaddr) { unsigned int byte[4]; sscanf(ipaddr, "%u.%u.%u.%u", &byte[0], &byte[1], &byte[2], &byte[3]); return (byte[0] << 24) | (byte[1] << 16) | (byte[2] << 8) | byte[3]; } static void configure_device(int fd, const char *devname, uint32_t ipaddr) { struct ifreq ifr; struct sockaddr_in *sin = (struct sockaddr_in *)&ifr.ifr_addr; /* Don't read these incantations. Just cut & paste them like I did! */ memset(&ifr, 0, sizeof(ifr)); strcpy(ifr.ifr_name, devname); sin->sin_family = AF_INET; sin->sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(ipaddr); if (ioctl(fd, SIOCSIFADDR, &ifr) != 0) err(1, "Setting %s interface address", devname); ifr.ifr_flags = IFF_UP; if (ioctl(fd, SIOCSIFFLAGS, &ifr) != 0) err(1, "Bringing interface %s up", devname); } static int setup_tun_net(uint32_t ip) { struct ifreq ifr; int netfd, ipfd; unsigned int features; /* We open the /dev/net/tun device and tell it we want a tap device. A * tap device is like a tun device, only somehow different. To tell * the truth, I completely blundered my way through this code, but it * works now! */ netfd = open("/dev/net/tun", O_RDWR); if (netfd < 0) err(1, "Opening /dev/net/tun"); if (use_gso && (ioctl(netfd, TUNGETFEATURES, &features) != 0 || !(features & IFF_GSO_HDR))) { fprintf(stderr, "No GSO support!\n"); use_gso = false; } memset(&ifr, 0, sizeof(ifr)); ifr.ifr_flags = IFF_TAP | IFF_NO_PI | (use_gso ? IFF_GSO_HDR : 0); strcpy(ifr.ifr_name, "tap%d"); if (ioctl(netfd, TUNSETIFF, &ifr) != 0) err(1, "configuring /dev/net/tun"); /* We need a socket to perform the magic network ioctls to bring up the * tap interface, connect to the bridge etc. Any socket will do! */ ipfd = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_IP); if (ipfd < 0) err(1, "opening IP socket"); /* We are peer 0, ie. first slot, so we hand dev->mem to this routine * to write the MAC address at the start of the device memory. */ configure_device(ipfd, ifr.ifr_name, ip); close(ipfd); return netfd; } static void two_way_popen(char *const argv[]) { int pid; int pipe1[2], pipe2[2]; if (pipe(pipe1) != 0 || pipe(pipe2) != 0) err(1, "creating pipe"); pid = fork(); if (pid == -1) err(1, "forking"); if (pid == 0) { /* We are the child. */ close(pipe1[1]); close(pipe2[0]); dup2(pipe1[0], STDIN_FILENO); dup2(pipe2[1], STDOUT_FILENO); execvp(argv[0], argv); fprintf(stderr, "Failed to exec '%s': %m\n", argv[0]); kill(getppid(), SIGKILL); } /* We are parent. */ close(pipe1[0]); close(pipe2[1]); dup2(pipe1[1], STDOUT_FILENO); dup2(pipe2[0], STDIN_FILENO); } struct virtio_net_hdr { #define VIRTIO_NET_HDR_F_NEEDS_CSUM 1 // Use csum_start, csum_offset __u8 flags; #define VIRTIO_NET_HDR_GSO_NONE 0 // Not a GSO frame #define VIRTIO_NET_HDR_GSO_TCPV4 1 // GSO frame, IPv4 TCP (TSO) /* FIXME: Do we need this? If they said they can handle ECN, do they care? */ #define VIRTIO_NET_HDR_GSO_TCPV4_ECN 2 // GSO frame, IPv4 TCP w/ ECN #define VIRTIO_NET_HDR_GSO_UDP 3 // GSO frame, IPv4 UDP (UFO) #define VIRTIO_NET_HDR_GSO_TCPV6 4 // GSO frame, IPv6 TCP __u8 gso_type; __u16 gso_hdr_len; /* Ethernet + IP + tcp/udp hdrs */ __u16 gso_size; /* Bytes to append to gso_hdr_len per frame */ __u16 csum_start; /* Position to start checksumming from */ __u16 csum_offset; /* Offset after that to place checksum */ }; struct packet { struct virtio_net_hdr gso; struct ether_header mac; struct iphdr ip; union { struct icmphdr icmp; struct tcphdr tcp; struct udphdr udp; char pad[65535 - 34]; }; } __attribute__((packed)); static inline unsigned short from32to16(unsigned long x) { /* add up 16-bit and 16-bit for 16+c bit */ x = (x & 0xffff) + (x >> 16); /* add up carry.. */ x = (x & 0xffff) + (x >> 16); return x; } static unsigned int csum_fold(unsigned int sum) { return ~from32to16(sum); } static unsigned long do_csum(const unsigned char * buff, int len) { int odd, count; unsigned long result = 0; if (len <= 0) return 0; odd = 1 & (unsigned long) buff; if (odd) { result = *buff; len--; buff++; } count = len >> 1; /* nr of 16-bit words.. */ if (count) { if (2 & (unsigned long) buff) { result += *(unsigned short *) buff; count--; len -= 2; buff += 2; } count >>= 1; /* nr of 32-bit words.. */ if (count) { unsigned long carry = 0; do { unsigned int w = *(unsigned int *) buff; count--; buff += 4; result += carry; result += w; carry = (w > result); } while (count); result += carry; result = (result & 0xffff) + (result >> 16); } if (len & 2) { result += *(unsigned short *) buff; buff += 2; } } if (len & 1) result += (*buff << 8); result = from32to16(result); if (odd) result = ((result >> 8) & 0xff) | ((result & 0xff) << 8); return result; } static unsigned int csum_partial(const void * buff, int len, unsigned int sum) { unsigned int result = do_csum(buff, len); /* add in old sum, and carry.. */ result += sum; if (sum > result) result += 1; return result; } static void csum_replace(__u16 *sum, u32 from, u32 to) { u32 diff[] = { ~from, to }; *sum = csum_fold(csum_partial(diff, sizeof(diff), *sum ^ 0xFFFF)); } #define NIPQUAD(addr) \ ((unsigned char *)&addr)[0], \ ((unsigned char *)&addr)[1], \ ((unsigned char *)&addr)[2], \ ((unsigned char *)&addr)[3] /* Change destination IP address */ static void nat_packet(struct packet *packet, u32 src, u32 dst) { u32 oldsrc, olddst; if (packet->mac.ether_type != htons(ETHERTYPE_IP)) return; oldsrc = packet->ip.saddr; olddst = packet->ip.daddr; packet->ip.saddr = src; packet->ip.daddr = dst; csum_replace(&packet->ip.check, oldsrc, src); csum_replace(&packet->ip.check, olddst, dst); switch (packet->ip.protocol) { case IPPROTO_TCP: csum_replace(&packet->tcp.check, oldsrc, src); csum_replace(&packet->tcp.check, olddst, dst); break; case IPPROTO_UDP: csum_replace(&packet->udp.check, oldsrc, src); csum_replace(&packet->udp.check, olddst, dst); break; } } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int netfd; __u32 natdst, natsrc; int size; struct packet packet; void *buf; if (argv[1] && strcmp(argv[1], "--no-gso") == 0) { argv++; argc--; use_gso = false; } if (argc < 4) errx(1, "Usage: %s [--no-gso] ip-addr src-nat-addr dst-nat-addr [command-to-open...]", argv[0]); netfd = setup_tun_net(str2ip(argv[1])); natsrc = htonl(str2ip(argv[2])); natdst = htonl(str2ip(argv[3])); /* Eg. ssh othermachine /root/tun_gso_pipe */ if (argc > 4) two_way_popen(argv+4); if (use_gso) buf = &packet; else buf = &packet.mac; for (;;) { fd_set fds; FD_ZERO(&fds); FD_SET(netfd, &fds); FD_SET(STDIN_FILENO, &fds); select(netfd+1, &fds, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (FD_ISSET(netfd, &fds)) { size = read(netfd, buf, sizeof(packet)); if (size <= 0) err(1, "Reading netfd"); if (use_gso) fprintf(stderr, "Read %u, gso = %u/%u\n", size, packet.gso.gso_type, packet.gso.gso_size); nat_packet(&packet, natsrc, natdst); if (!write_all(STDOUT_FILENO, &size, sizeof(size)) || !write_all(STDOUT_FILENO, buf, size)) err(1, "Writing data to stdout"); } if (FD_ISSET(STDIN_FILENO, &fds)) { int ret; if (!read_all(STDIN_FILENO, &size, sizeof(size))) err(1, "Reading stdin"); if (!read_all(STDIN_FILENO, buf, size)) err(1, "Reading %u byte packet", size); fprintf(stderr, "Writing %u, gso = %u/%u\n", size, packet.gso.gso_type, packet.gso.gso_size); ret = write(netfd, buf, size); if (ret != size) err(1, "Writing data to netfd gave %i/%i", ret, size); } } }