# port is 8912 wget = "wget" modprobe = "/sbin/modprobe" tc = "/sbin/tc" ip = "/sbin/ip" # Some things we can configure bw = 160.0 bwu = "kbit" upbw = 54.0 upbwu = "kbit" # delay, loss, jitter is bidi - so 770 rtt delayms = 385 loss = .015 jitterms = 50.0 reorderx = .1 # Our python support libraries import os import sys import time from BaseHTTPServer import HTTPServer from SocketServer import ThreadingMixIn import SimpleHTTPServer import threading if os.getuid() != 0: print "Must run as root to manipulate kernel shaping policies" sys.exit(1) try: os.stat (modprobe) os.stat (tc) os.stat (ip) except OSError, e: print "Required Utility Not Found: " + e.filename sys.exit(1) if os.system (modprobe + " sch_netem") != 0: print "Module sch_metem required" sys.exit(1) if os.system (modprobe + " ifb") != 0: print "Module ifb required" sys.exit(1) # This is the cleanup function - makes sure the network is nice and tidy. # Run it when we start, run it when we quit.. run it on error - try hard to # leave things sane def scrub(): try: # some basic hygeine :: clean slate os.system (ip + " link set dev ifb0 down 2> /dev/null") os.system (ip + " link set dev ifb1 down 2> /dev/null") os.system (tc + " qdisc del dev lo root 2> /dev/null") os.system (tc + " qdisc del dev ifb0 root 2> /dev/null ") os.system (tc + " qdisc del dev ifb1 root 2> /dev/null ") os.system (tc + " qdisc del dev lo ingress 2> /dev/null") except: pass try: w3.runok = 0 except: pass class shaperError(Exception): def __init__(self, message): self.message = message # silently serve up uncachable files on localhost class quietHTTPServer(SimpleHTTPServer.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler): protocol_version = "HTTP/1.1" def __init__ (self, ip, port, handler): SimpleHTTPServer.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler.__init__ (self, ip, port, handler) def log_request(self, code): pass def log_error(self, format, *args): pass def send_response(self, code, message=None): SimpleHTTPServer.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler.send_response(self, code ,message) self.send_header ("Cache-Control", "no-cache") def do_GET(self): self.send_response(200) self.send_header("Content-Length", 500000) self.end_headers() for i in range (0, 50000): self.wfile.write ("0123456789") # This is the internal webserver - it runs only on localhost class myhttp(ThreadingMixIn, HTTPServer): pass def __init__ (self, one, two): self.request_queue_size = 20 HTTPServer.__init__ (self,one,two) class W3Thread ( threading.Thread ): def run ( self ): server = myhttp (('', 8912), quietHTTPServer) # this hack will check every 1 seconds to see if we ought to exit this thread self.runok = 1 server.socket.settimeout(1) server.daemon_threads = True while self.runok != 0: server.handle_request() # Main() try: lossstr = "loss " + str(loss) +"% " delaystr = " delay " + str (delayms) + "ms " # delaystr += str (jitterms) + "ms distribution pareto" reorderstr = " reorder " + str (reorderx) + "% 30%" # scrub the network to make sure we are in a good state scrub() # Setup the shaping environment os.system (ip + " link set dev lo mtu 1500") os.system (tc + " qdisc add dev lo ingress") os.system (ip + " link set dev ifb0 up 2> /dev/null") os.system (ip + " link set dev ifb1 up 2> /dev/null") # 0x22d0 is port 8912 # ifb0 is http request and ack path (uplink) os.system (tc + " filter add dev lo protocol ip root prio 10 u32 match u32 0x000022d0 0x0000ffff at 20 flowid 5:1 action mirred egress redirect dev ifb0 > /dev/null") os.system (tc + " qdisc add dev ifb0 root handle 2: netem " + lossstr + delaystr + reorderstr) os.system (tc + " qdisc add dev ifb0 parent 2:1 handle 3: tbf rate " + str (upbw) + upbwu + " latency 3s burst 12kb") os.system (tc + " qdisc add dev ifb0 parent 3:1 pfifo limit 1500") # ifb1 is http server and data response (downlink) os.system (tc + " filter add dev lo protocol ip root prio 10 u32 match u32 0x22d00000 0xffff0000 at 20 flowid 5:2 action mirred egress redirect dev ifb1 > /dev/null") os.system (tc + " qdisc add dev ifb1 root handle 2: netem " + lossstr + delaystr + reorderstr) os.system (tc + " qdisc add dev ifb1 parent 2:1 handle 3: tbf rate " + str (bw) + bwu + " latency 3s burst 12kb") os.system (tc + " qdisc add dev ifb1 parent 3:1 pfifo limit 1500") # default rule through ifb1 both ways to catch no port 8912 traffic (dns, etc..) with at least a basic estimate os.system (tc + " filter add dev lo protocol ip root prio 20 u32 match u32 0 0 at 20 flowid 5:3 action mirred egress redirect dev ifb1 > /dev/null") # start up the localhost webserver w3 = W3Thread() w3.start() os.system (wget + " -O /dev/null http://localhost:8912/foo") except shaperError, e: print "ERROR: " + e.message except: print "raising general exception, but cleaning up interfaces first" scrub() raise # do a good cleanup on normal exit - we're all done and the results are on stdout scrub()