#!/bin/sh . /etc/hsh.conf #convert ip to integer ip2int() { echo $@|$sed 's/\(\.\|\/\)/ /g'|$awk '{if ((NF==4)||(NF==5)) {OFMT = "%.0f"; print $1*2^24+$2*2^16+$3*2^8+$4}}' } #convert integer to ip int2ip() { echo $@|$awk '{if (NF==1) {s1=$1%2^24; s2=$1%2^16; OFMT = "%.0f";\ print int($1/2^24)"."int(s1/2^16)"."int(s2/2^8)"."$1%256}}' } #get subnet addr for ip/mask subnet() { echo $@|$sed 's/\(\.\|\/\)/ /g'|$awk '{if (NF==5) {ip=$1*2^24+$2*2^16+$3*2^8+$4; \ subnet=ip-ip%2^(32-$5); s1=subnet%2^24; s2=subnet%2^16; OFMT = "%.0f";\ print int(subnet/2^24)"."int(s1/2^16)"."int(s2/2^8)"."subnet%256"/"$5}}' } #get width of subnet netwidth() { echo $@|$sed 's/\(\.\|\/\)/ /g'|$awk '{if (NF==5) {OFMT = "%.0f"; print 2^(32-$5)}}' } #get # of 256-byte subnets of network subcnt() { echo $@|$sed 's/\(\.\|\/\)/ /g'|$awk '{if (NF==5) {width=2^(32-$5); i=(width%256>0); OFMT = "%.0f"; print int(width/256)+i }}' } #return max of 2 ints max() { echo $@|$awk '{OFMT = "%.0f"; if (NF==2) {if ($1>$2) {print $1} else {print $2}}}' } #print as hex hex() { echo $@|$awk '{if (NF==1) {printf "%x", $1}}' } #sequence from $1 to $1+$2-1 lseq() { echo $@|$awk '{OFMT = "%.0f"; if (NF==2) {for (i=0;i<$2;i++) {print $1+i}}}' } #init device $1 initdev() { echo $UPDEVINIT|sh $tc q d root dev $1 2>/dev/null $tc q a root dev $1 handle 1: htb default 2 $tc c a dev $1 parent 1: classid 1:1 htb rate $URATE ceil $UCEIL $UBURST prio 1 quantum 1514 $tc c a dev $1 parent 1: classid 1:2 htb rate $URATE ceil $UCEIL $UBURST prio 2 quantum 1514 $tc q a dev $1 parent 1:2 handle 2: sfq perturb 10 quantum 1514 $tc f a dev $1 parent 1: prio 10 protocol ip u32 } #add rule $1 with addr $2 for table $3 with default speed on device $4 addrule() { ar_id=$(($POOLWIDTH*($3+1)+$1)) ar_id1=$(($RULECOUNT+$ar_id)) ar_id2=$(($RULECOUNT*2+$ar_id)) ar_h1=$(hex $1) $tc c a dev $4 parent 1:1 classid 1:$ar_id htb rate $URATE ceil $UCEIL $UBURST prio 1 quantum 1514 $tc c a dev $4 parent 1:$ar_id classid 1:$ar_id1 htb rate $UHRATE ceil $UCEIL $UBURST prio 2 quantum 1514 $tc c a dev $4 parent 1:$ar_id classid 1:$ar_id2 htb rate $UHRATE ceil $UCEIL $UBURST prio 1 quantum 1514 $tc q a dev $4 parent 1:$ar_id1 handle $ar_id1: sfq perturb 10 quantum 1514 $tc q a dev $4 parent 1:$ar_id2 handle $ar_id2: sfq perturb 10 quantum 1514 $tc f a dev $4 parent 1: protocol ip prio 1 u32 ht $3:$ar_h1: \ match ip tos 0x10 0xff flowid 1:$ar_id2 $tc f a dev $4 parent 1: protocol ip prio 2 u32 ht $3:$ar_h1: \ match ip protocol 6 0xff match u8 0x45 0xff at 0 match u16 0x0000 0xffc0 at 2 \ match u8 0x10 0xff at 33 flowid 1:$ar_id2 $tc f a dev $4 parent 1: protocol ip prio 3 u32 ht $3:$ar_h1: \ match ip protocol 1 0xff flowid 1:$ar_id2 $tc f a dev $4 parent 1: protocol ip prio 4 u32 ht $3:$ar_h1: match ip src $2 \ flowid 1:$ar_id1 } #set speed for rule $1 in table $2 with rate $3 kbit on device $4 setspeed() { ss_id=$(($POOLWIDTH*($2+1)+$1)) ss_id1=$(($RULECOUNT+$ss_id)) ss_id2=$(($RULECOUNT*2+$ss_id)) ss_hr=$(($3/2)) $tc c r dev $4 parent 1:1 classid 1:$ss_id htb rate ${3}kbit $UBURST prio 1 quantum 1514 $tc c r dev $4 parent 1:$ss_id classid 1:$ss_id1 htb rate ${ss_hr}kbit ceil ${3}kbit $UBURST prio 2 quantum 1514 $tc c r dev $4 parent 1:$ss_id classid 1:$ss_id2 htb rate ${ss_hr}kbit ceil ${3}kbit $UBURST prio 1 quantum 1514 } #fill table for subnet addr $1, device $2 addtable() { nwidth=$(netwidth $1) $tc f a dev $2 parent 1:1 prio 10 handle $tctr: protocol ip u32 divisor $nwidth $tc f a dev $2 parent 1: protocol ip prio 10 u32 ht 800:: \ match ip src $(subnet $1) \ hashkey mask 0x$(hex $(($nwidth-1))) at 12 \ link $tctr: at_t=0 for at_i in $(lseq $(ip2int $1) $nwidth); do addrule $at_t $(int2ip $at_i) $tctr $2 at_t=$(($at_t+1)) done } #divide network $1 by subnets divnet() { for dn_net in $@; do dn_count=$(subcnt $dn_net) if [ $dn_count -gt 1 ]; then dn_subnet=$(ip2int $(subnet $dn_net)) for dn_i in $(lseq 0 $dn_count); do echo $(int2ip $((dn_subnet+dn_i*256)))/24 done else echo $dn_net fi done } #is ip $2 in subnet $1? chkip() { echo $(ip2int $1) $(ip2int $2) $(netwidth $1)|awk '{print (($2>=$1)&&($2<=$1+$3))}' } POOLWIDTH=0 NPOOLS=$(divnet $POOLS) NETCOUNT=$(echo $NPOOLS|wc -w) for i in $NPOOLS; do POOLWIDTH=$(max $POOLWIDTH $(netwidth $i)) done RULECOUNT=$(($POOLWIDTH*$NETCOUNT)) tctr=1 case "$1" in init) for iface in $UPDEVS; do initdev $iface tctr=1 for i in $NPOOLS; do addtable $i $iface tctr=$(($tctr+1)) done done;; set) for i in $NPOOLS; do if [ $(chkip $i $2) -eq 1 ]; then rulenum=$(($(ip2int $2)-$(ip2int $i))) if [ -z "$4" ]; then for iface in $UPDEVS; do setspeed $rulenum $tctr $3 $iface done else setspeed $rulenum $tctr $3 $4 fi exit 0 fi tctr=$(($tctr+1)) done echo "This IP isn't in pool!" exit 1;; cstat) for i in $NPOOLS; do if [ $(chkip $i $2) -eq 1 ]; then cl1=$(($POOLWIDTH*($tctr+1)+$(ip2int $2)-$(ip2int $i))) if [ -z "$3" ]; then for iface in $UPDEVS; do echo "===== Interface $iface =====" $tc -s c s dev $iface|grep -A 4 " 1:$cl1 " done; else $tc -s c s dev $3|grep -A 4 " 1:$cl1 " fi exit 0 fi tctr=$(($tctr+1)) done echo "This IP isn't in pool!" exit 1;; stop) echo $UPDEVSTOP|sh;; *) echo Usage: "$0 (init|stop|set <ip> <speed in kbit> [iface]|cstat <ip> [iface])";; esac