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Message-ID: <87pp78dv8k.fsf@spindle.srvr.nix>
Date: Mon, 13 Apr 2015 14:16:11 +0100
From: Nix <nix@...eri.org.uk>
To: Francois Romieu <romieu@...zoreil.com>
Cc: netdev@...r.kernel.org, "David S. Miller" <davem@...emloft.net>,
rl@...lgate.ch, Bjarke Istrup Pedersen <gurligebis@...too.org>
Subject: Re: [PATCH RFT net-next #2 0/6] via-rhine receive buffers rework
On 9 Apr 2015, Francois Romieu told this:
> Nix <nix@...eri.org.uk> :
> [...]
>> Of course now I've done this it's not crashing! Maybe it's netconsole-
>> related on top of everything else, or I'm just being unlucky... I'll
>> keep trying.
> Please no netconsole yet.
Still trying. It hasn't crashed since I turned netconsole off despite a
couple of days of loading, so it's quite possible that this crash is
netconsole-related. (Without the receive buffers rework, the crash is
much faster and happens even without netconsole, so the rework is
clearly necessary and definitely improves things dramatically.)
NULL && (void)
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