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Message-ID: <>
Date:   Wed, 3 May 2017 14:46:50 -0700
From:   Joe Stringer <>
To:     Алексей Болдырев 
Cc:     David Ahern <>, netdev <>
Subject: Re: Maximum MPLS labels on Linux network stack

On 3 May 2017 at 14:29, Алексей Болдырев
<> wrote:
> As I understand it, it's enough to just set the variable in the source
> on
> Or is there somehow still pitfalls?

You'll probably need to update the BUILD_ASSERT_DECL for the offset of
igmp_group_ip4, and for extra safety increment FLOW_WC_SEQ and inspect
each other place that has BUILD_ASSERT_DECL statements relying on that
FLOW_WC_SEQ. Changing FLOW_WC_SEQ will introduce compiler
warnings/failures so you can step through each location, take a look
if it's relevant and update the BUILD_ASSERT_DECL.

At a glance it seems like even with that bump, OVS userspace is only
detecting support for 3 labels so you might need to update something
kernel-side as well.

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