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Message-Id: <20200323212642.34104-18-mathew.j.martineau@linux.intel.com>
Date: Mon, 23 Mar 2020 14:26:42 -0700
From: Mat Martineau <mathew.j.martineau@...ux.intel.com>
To: netdev@...r.kernel.org
Cc: Paolo Abeni <pabeni@...hat.com>, eric.dumazet@...il.com,
Mat Martineau <mathew.j.martineau@...ux.intel.com>
Subject: [PATCH net-next 17/17] selftests: add test-cases for MPTCP MP_JOIN
From: Paolo Abeni <pabeni@...hat.com>
Use the pm netlink to configure the creation of several
subflows, and verify that via MIB counters.
Update the mptcp_connect program to allow reliable MP_JOIN
handshake even on small data file
Signed-off-by: Paolo Abeni <pabeni@...hat.com>
Signed-off-by: Mat Martineau <mathew.j.martineau@...ux.intel.com>
tools/testing/selftests/net/mptcp/Makefile | 2 +-
.../selftests/net/mptcp/mptcp_connect.c | 28 +-
.../testing/selftests/net/mptcp/mptcp_join.sh | 357 ++++++++++++++++++
3 files changed, 383 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
create mode 100755 tools/testing/selftests/net/mptcp/mptcp_join.sh
diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/net/mptcp/Makefile b/tools/testing/selftests/net/mptcp/Makefile
index 70c831fcaf70..f50976ee7d44 100644
--- a/tools/testing/selftests/net/mptcp/Makefile
+++ b/tools/testing/selftests/net/mptcp/Makefile
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ KSFT_KHDR_INSTALL := 1
CFLAGS = -Wall -Wl,--no-as-needed -O2 -g -I$(top_srcdir)/usr/include
-TEST_PROGS := mptcp_connect.sh pm_netlink.sh
+TEST_PROGS := mptcp_connect.sh pm_netlink.sh mptcp_join.sh
TEST_GEN_FILES = mptcp_connect pm_nl_ctl
diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/net/mptcp/mptcp_connect.c b/tools/testing/selftests/net/mptcp/mptcp_connect.c
index 702bab2c12da..cedee5b952ba 100644
--- a/tools/testing/selftests/net/mptcp/mptcp_connect.c
+++ b/tools/testing/selftests/net/mptcp/mptcp_connect.c
@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ static bool tcpulp_audit;
static int pf = AF_INET;
static int cfg_sndbuf;
static int cfg_rcvbuf;
+static bool cfg_join;
static void die_usage(void)
@@ -250,6 +251,7 @@ static int sock_connect_mptcp(const char * const remoteaddr,
static size_t do_rnd_write(const int fd, char *buf, const size_t len)
+ static bool first = true;
unsigned int do_w;
ssize_t bw;
@@ -257,10 +259,19 @@ static size_t do_rnd_write(const int fd, char *buf, const size_t len)
if (do_w == 0 || do_w > len)
do_w = len;
+ if (cfg_join && first && do_w > 100)
+ do_w = 100;
bw = write(fd, buf, do_w);
if (bw < 0)
+ /* let the join handshake complete, before going on */
+ if (cfg_join && first) {
+ usleep(200000);
+ first = false;
+ }
return bw;
@@ -385,8 +396,11 @@ static int copyfd_io_poll(int infd, int peerfd, int outfd)
/* ... but we still receive.
- * Close our write side.
+ * Close our write side, ev. give some time
+ * for address notification
+ if (cfg_join)
+ usleep(400000);
shutdown(peerfd, SHUT_WR);
} else {
if (errno == EINTR)
@@ -403,6 +417,10 @@ static int copyfd_io_poll(int infd, int peerfd, int outfd)
+ /* leave some time for late join/announce */
+ if (cfg_join)
+ usleep(400000);
return 0;
@@ -658,7 +676,7 @@ static void maybe_close(int fd)
unsigned int r = rand();
- if (r & 1)
+ if (!cfg_join && (r & 1))
@@ -794,8 +812,12 @@ static void parse_opts(int argc, char **argv)
int c;
- while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "6lp:s:hut:m:S:R:")) != -1) {
+ while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "6jlp:s:hut:m:S:R:")) != -1) {
switch (c) {
+ case 'j':
+ cfg_join = true;
+ cfg_mode = CFG_MODE_POLL;
+ break;
case 'l':
listen_mode = true;
diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/net/mptcp/mptcp_join.sh b/tools/testing/selftests/net/mptcp/mptcp_join.sh
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..dd42c2f692d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/testing/selftests/net/mptcp/mptcp_join.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,357 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
+ capout=$(mktemp)
+ rndh=$(printf %x $sec)-$(mktemp -u XXXXXX)
+ ns1="ns1-$rndh"
+ ns2="ns2-$rndh"
+ for netns in "$ns1" "$ns2";do
+ ip netns add $netns || exit $ksft_skip
+ ip -net $netns link set lo up
+ ip netns exec $netns sysctl -q net.mptcp.enabled=1
+ ip netns exec $netns sysctl -q net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter=0
+ ip netns exec $netns sysctl -q net.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter=0
+ done
+ # ns1 ns2
+ # ns1eth1 ns2eth1
+ # ns1eth2 ns2eth2
+ # ns1eth3 ns2eth3
+ # ns1eth4 ns2eth4
+ for i in `seq 1 4`; do
+ ip link add ns1eth$i netns "$ns1" type veth peer name ns2eth$i netns "$ns2"
+ ip -net "$ns1" addr add 10.0.$i.1/24 dev ns1eth$i
+ ip -net "$ns1" addr add dead:beef:$i::1/64 dev ns1eth$i nodad
+ ip -net "$ns1" link set ns1eth$i up
+ ip -net "$ns2" addr add 10.0.$i.2/24 dev ns2eth$i
+ ip -net "$ns2" addr add dead:beef:$i::2/64 dev ns2eth$i nodad
+ ip -net "$ns2" link set ns2eth$i up
+ # let $ns2 reach any $ns1 address from any interface
+ ip -net "$ns2" route add default via 10.0.$i.1 dev ns2eth$i metric 10$i
+ done
+ rm -f "$capout"
+ for netns in "$ns1" "$ns2"; do
+ ip netns del $netns
+ done
+ rm -f "$cin" "$cout"
+ rm -f "$sin" "$sout"
+ cleanup_partial
+ cleanup_partial
+ init
+for arg in "$@"; do
+ if [ "$arg" = "-c" ]; then
+ capture=1
+ fi
+ip -Version > /dev/null 2>&1
+if [ $? -ne 0 ];then
+ echo "SKIP: Could not run test without ip tool"
+ exit $ksft_skip
+ in=$1
+ out=$2
+ what=$3
+ cmp "$in" "$out" > /dev/null 2>&1
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ] ;then
+ echo "[ FAIL ] $what does not match (in, out):"
+ print_file_err "$in"
+ print_file_err "$out"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ return 0
+ listener_ns="$1"
+ connector_ns="$2"
+ connect_addr="$3"
+ ip netns exec ${connector_ns} ping -q -c 1 $connect_addr >/dev/null
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
+ echo "$listener_ns -> $connect_addr connectivity [ FAIL ]" 1>&2
+ ret=1
+ fi
+ listener_ns="$1"
+ connector_ns="$2"
+ cl_proto="$3"
+ srv_proto="$4"
+ connect_addr="$5"
+ port=$((10000+$TEST_COUNT))
+ :> "$cout"
+ :> "$sout"
+ :> "$capout"
+ if [ $capture -eq 1 ]; then
+ if [ -z $SUDO_USER ] ; then
+ capuser=""
+ else
+ capuser="-Z $SUDO_USER"
+ fi
+ capfile="mp_join-${listener_ns}.pcap"
+ echo "Capturing traffic for test $TEST_COUNT into $capfile"
+ ip netns exec ${listener_ns} tcpdump -i any -s 65535 -B 32768 $capuser -w $capfile > "$capout" 2>&1 &
+ cappid=$!
+ sleep 1
+ fi
+ ip netns exec ${listener_ns} ./mptcp_connect -j -t $timeout -l -p $port -s ${srv_proto} < "$sin" > "$sout" &
+ spid=$!
+ sleep 1
+ ip netns exec ${connector_ns} ./mptcp_connect -j -t $timeout -p $port -s ${cl_proto} $connect_addr < "$cin" > "$cout" &
+ cpid=$!
+ wait $cpid
+ retc=$?
+ wait $spid
+ rets=$?
+ if [ $capture -eq 1 ]; then
+ sleep 1
+ kill $cappid
+ fi
+ if [ ${rets} -ne 0 ] || [ ${retc} -ne 0 ]; then
+ echo " client exit code $retc, server $rets" 1>&2
+ echo "\nnetns ${listener_ns} socket stat for $port:" 1>&2
+ ip netns exec ${listener_ns} ss -nita 1>&2 -o "sport = :$port"
+ echo "\nnetns ${connector_ns} socket stat for $port:" 1>&2
+ ip netns exec ${connector_ns} ss -nita 1>&2 -o "dport = :$port"
+ cat "$capout"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ check_transfer $sin $cout "file received by client"
+ retc=$?
+ check_transfer $cin $sout "file received by server"
+ rets=$?
+ if [ $retc -eq 0 ] && [ $rets -eq 0 ];then
+ cat "$capout"
+ return 0
+ fi
+ cat "$capout"
+ return 1
+ name=$1
+ who=$2
+ SIZE=1
+ dd if=/dev/urandom of="$name" bs=1024 count=$SIZE 2> /dev/null
+ echo -e "\nMPTCP_TEST_FILE_END_MARKER" >> "$name"
+ echo "Created $name (size $SIZE KB) containing data sent by $who"
+ listener_ns="$1"
+ connector_ns="$2"
+ connect_addr="$3"
+ lret=0
+ do_transfer ${listener_ns} ${connector_ns} MPTCP MPTCP ${connect_addr}
+ lret=$?
+ if [ $lret -ne 0 ]; then
+ ret=$lret
+ return
+ fi
+ local msg="$1"
+ local syn_nr=$2
+ local syn_ack_nr=$3
+ local ack_nr=$4
+ local count
+ local dump_stats
+ printf "%-36s %s" "$msg" "syn"
+ count=`ip netns exec $ns1 nstat -as | grep MPTcpExtMPJoinSynRx | awk '{print $2}'`
+ [ -z "$count" ] && count=0
+ if [ "$count" != "$syn_nr" ]; then
+ echo "[fail] got $count JOIN[s] syn expected $syn_nr"
+ ret=1
+ dump_stats=1
+ else
+ echo -n "[ ok ]"
+ fi
+ echo -n " - synack"
+ count=`ip netns exec $ns2 nstat -as | grep MPTcpExtMPJoinSynAckRx | awk '{print $2}'`
+ [ -z "$count" ] && count=0
+ if [ "$count" != "$syn_ack_nr" ]; then
+ echo "[fail] got $count JOIN[s] synack expected $syn_ack_nr"
+ ret=1
+ dump_stats=1
+ else
+ echo -n "[ ok ]"
+ fi
+ echo -n " - ack"
+ count=`ip netns exec $ns1 nstat -as | grep MPTcpExtMPJoinAckRx | awk '{print $2}'`
+ [ -z "$count" ] && count=0
+ if [ "$count" != "$ack_nr" ]; then
+ echo "[fail] got $count JOIN[s] ack expected $ack_nr"
+ ret=1
+ dump_stats=1
+ else
+ echo "[ ok ]"
+ fi
+ if [ "${dump_stats}" = 1 ]; then
+ echo Server ns stats
+ ip netns exec $ns1 nstat -as | grep MPTcp
+ echo Client ns stats
+ ip netns exec $ns2 nstat -as | grep MPTcp
+ fi
+make_file "$cin" "client"
+make_file "$sin" "server"
+trap cleanup EXIT
+run_tests $ns1 $ns2
+chk_join_nr "no JOIN" "0" "0" "0"
+# subflow limted by client
+ip netns exec $ns2 ./pm_nl_ctl add flags subflow
+run_tests $ns1 $ns2
+chk_join_nr "single subflow, limited by client" 0 0 0
+# subflow limted by server
+ip netns exec $ns2 ./pm_nl_ctl limits 0 1
+ip netns exec $ns2 ./pm_nl_ctl add flags subflow
+run_tests $ns1 $ns2
+chk_join_nr "single subflow, limited by server" 1 1 0
+# subflow
+ip netns exec $ns1 ./pm_nl_ctl limits 0 1
+ip netns exec $ns2 ./pm_nl_ctl limits 0 1
+ip netns exec $ns2 ./pm_nl_ctl add flags subflow
+run_tests $ns1 $ns2
+chk_join_nr "single subflow" 1 1 1
+# multiple subflows
+ip netns exec $ns1 ./pm_nl_ctl limits 0 2
+ip netns exec $ns2 ./pm_nl_ctl limits 0 2
+ip netns exec $ns2 ./pm_nl_ctl add flags subflow
+ip netns exec $ns2 ./pm_nl_ctl add flags subflow
+run_tests $ns1 $ns2
+chk_join_nr "multiple subflows" 2 2 2
+# multiple subflows limited by serverf
+ip netns exec $ns1 ./pm_nl_ctl limits 0 1
+ip netns exec $ns2 ./pm_nl_ctl limits 0 2
+ip netns exec $ns2 ./pm_nl_ctl add flags subflow
+ip netns exec $ns2 ./pm_nl_ctl add flags subflow
+run_tests $ns1 $ns2
+chk_join_nr "multiple subflows, limited by server" 2 2 1
+# add_address, unused
+ip netns exec $ns1 ./pm_nl_ctl add flags signal
+run_tests $ns1 $ns2
+chk_join_nr "unused signal address" 0 0 0
+# accept and use add_addr
+ip netns exec $ns1 ./pm_nl_ctl limits 0 1
+ip netns exec $ns2 ./pm_nl_ctl limits 1 1
+ip netns exec $ns1 ./pm_nl_ctl add flags signal
+run_tests $ns1 $ns2
+chk_join_nr "signal address" 1 1 1
+# accept and use add_addr with an additional subflow
+# note: signal address in server ns and local addresses in client ns must
+# belong to different subnets or one of the listed local address could be
+# used for 'add_addr' subflow
+ip netns exec $ns1 ./pm_nl_ctl add flags signal
+ip netns exec $ns1 ./pm_nl_ctl limits 0 2
+ip netns exec $ns2 ./pm_nl_ctl limits 1 2
+ip netns exec $ns2 ./pm_nl_ctl add flags subflow
+run_tests $ns1 $ns2
+chk_join_nr "subflow and signal" 2 2 2
+# accept and use add_addr with additional subflows
+ip netns exec $ns1 ./pm_nl_ctl limits 0 3
+ip netns exec $ns1 ./pm_nl_ctl add flags signal
+ip netns exec $ns2 ./pm_nl_ctl limits 1 3
+ip netns exec $ns2 ./pm_nl_ctl add flags subflow
+ip netns exec $ns2 ./pm_nl_ctl add flags subflow
+run_tests $ns1 $ns2
+chk_join_nr "multiple subflows and signal" 3 3 3
+exit $ret
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