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Date: Mon, 11 Dec 2023 06:32:09 +0000
From: Shinas Rasheed <>
To: Simon Horman <>
CC: "" <>,
        "" <>,
        Haseeb Gani
	<>, Vimlesh Kumar <>,
        "" <>,
        "" <>,
        "" <>,
        "" <>,
        "" <>,
        Veerasenareddy Burru <>,
        Sathesh B
 Edara <>,
        Eric Dumazet <>
Subject: RE: [EXT] Re: [PATCH net-next v2 1/4] octeon_ep: add PF-VF mailbox

Hi Simon,

> > +	err = octep_setup_pfvf_mbox(octep_dev);
> > +	if (err) {
> > +		dev_err(&pdev->dev, " pfvf mailbox setup failed\n");
> > +		octep_ctrl_net_uninit(octep_dev);
> > +		return err;
> Hi Shinas,
> This seems inconsistent with other error handling in this function, I
> suspect it is leaking resources. And even if it does not, it's likely to
> lead to such problems as this function is updated in future.  Please
> consider consistently handling error unwinding using goto labels in this
> function.
> I think that means either making sure that octep_delete_pfvf_mbox() can
> handle the case whereby octep_setup_pfvf_mbox() fails. Or including) the
> steps taken by octep_device_cleanup() in the unwind ladder provided by
> goto
> labels (which could be a separate patch, and I suspect to be the best
> approach). But I could well be wrong.

You are correct. I'll update this in the next version. Thanks for reviewing!


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