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Message-ID: <CY1PR0301MB0668EEF3059F744BD2297F78AC7D0@CY1PR0301MB0668.namprd03.prod.outlook.com>
Date: Thu, 13 Aug 2015 21:49:38 +0000
From: Greg Zaverucha <gregz@...rosoft.com>
To: "discussions@...sword-hashing.net" <discussions@...sword-hashing.net>
Subject: RE: [PHC] Passwords15 BSidesLV talks
Thanks Alexander!
For folks on this list who are interested and familiar with crypto, it may be faster to look at my tech report explaining the idea
I wasn't able to include that much detail in the talk.
-----Original Message-----
From: Solar Designer [mailto:solar@...nwall.com]
Sent: Thursday, August 13, 2015 6:51 AM
To: discussions@...sword-hashing.net
Subject: [PHC] Passwords15 BSidesLV talks
Off Twitter:
<thorsheim> #passwords15 YouTube video playlist by @TychoTithonus https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJtZQMlIjpsFySMxA37NJQ-hiS_23CvHX
Especially relevant to PHC is:
Password Based Encryption Using IO Hardness Greg Zaverucha
With password-based encryption, Greg suggests ways to force the attacker to decrypt the whole file for each candidate password.
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