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Message-ID: <5a4ca4220604011053g6cd7debbkca75512befb6a477@mail.gmail.com>
Date: Sat Apr 1 19:53:24 2006
From: phrackstaff at gmail.com (Phrack Staff)
Subject: In da beginnin...
It's time for our dove.
The Management.
cc: Noah
... Phrack is dead. Long Live Phrack.
-------------- next part --------------
=: P H R A C K - R E B O R N :=
... Phrack is dead. Long Live Phrack.
Deadline: 14 April 2006 at 11:59pm
Submissions: phrackstaff at gmail.com
Subject : w3 w4n7 j00r fsckju1c3
Submissions should _NOT_ disclose new exploit methods, new backd00ring
methods, or any other informa71on that may be used by the informa71on
security extor71on industry to further increase their profit margins.
As another special treat to our readers, this CFP includes yet more
samples of the m473rial we l00k forward to bringing you, our new Phrack
readership in the future.
Ar71cles under conzidera71on 4 the next relese:
- I'm a former NGS Employ33 listen to me
- 0wning juniper networkz the easy way
- Remote Apple package management the HTTP way
- WhiteHat bai71ng through Aquiring ImmunitySec Deficenzys
|=-----------=[ C O N T A C T P H R A C K M A G A Z I N E ]=---------=|
Editors : phrackstaff at gmail.com
Submissions : phrackstaff at gmail.com
Commentary : phrackstaff at gmail.com
Phrack World News : phrackstaff at gmail.com
(ChiX|H4X)0r Porn : phrackstaff at gmail.com
#, . .P
hr, . .. .Ac
'K#ph, .. . .rAcK'
#ph'Rac, . . .K#P'Hra
Ck' #PHr ... .aCk' #Ph
rA, 'cK#, .pHr' .AC
'K# 'Phr, .aCk' #P'
... rAc ' .K.#P Hra ...
. cK# .pHR .a, cK# .
. .. pH, .rAc' . 'k#P .HR . ..
.. . 'Ac .K#' . 'PHr. '' .. .
. . aCk ' . '#PH, . .
... .rA.'cK' . .. '#PH, ...
.rAc' k#, ..... .PH 'rAc,
.K#P' 'Hr . aC' 'k#P,
.hRa' cK# . pHr 'aCk,
.#Ph'____________________________ rAc ______________'K#P,
... cK'
#Pr aCk
#Ph rAc
K#, .Ph
#P. .hR
Or contact us via seance
Dearest readers, following our ini71al publica71on last wh0r3con..
many many things have happened.
We have a new management who share many things in common with the old
Our shoutoutz would go to all of those people who contributed, but they b33n
busy all by dem selfz and so, it is with pride that we bringz to j0 bits of
the next chapter in our b00k "Know your enemy: The Security Industry".
j0 may realize dear reader that we have only included extractz from chapter 3,
whilzt every efort waz made to publish chapter 2 "How to own a publisher",
j0r friendz found demselves with a few t33ny PDF issues we have to c 2 1st...
For j0 whitehats and snake oil salesmen who know we don't exist....
your friends,
The Management.
P.S. Due to the team effort required to write this l473st CFP please excuse
the not so perfect english, the quality of teaching has gone down the CISSP
pan l473ly, especialy so in non-tershiary economys.
A word from der sponzor :
[listen ok, 1 diddn wan to put dis in ere but otherwise 1 lose my brazilian
broke-backbonin connec71onz -Ed.]
Bow before me and suckle on my toes whilst 1 give forth wisdom unto you.
Recently, I have no71ced a number of posts written which have me in mind,
some may say in a "fantasy" role. Gadi, I can understand that 1 turn j0 on.
I understand that j0 have to express your SQL Injected f33lings to
me through leading others to bel33ve that you, Gadi E [zenzored -Ed.]
are merely a pawn [ p0rn -Ed.] in this industrial target71ng and are
of course a whitehat-bl00ded male.
Whilst I ACK that many, many people declare open love 4 my overhyped yet
large python object I cannot help but f33l that the industry is falling away
to the Jewel, one could say the 'ruby' like existense of metasploit.
As such I give my fullest support to <insert clients name> in all there endevors
and hope that <person> will
f33l sufficiently safe in there sexuility to come into my r00m l473r after
my talk on <insert talk here>.
[I f33l so dirty - Ed.]
|=--------------=[ S A M P L E A R T I C L E T W O ]=--------------=|
Extracts taken from "Know your enemy: The Security Industry".
[All similarities to those persons, sadly, living (or dead) are purly
made up.. of course.... . -Ed.]
It started with a phone call after Defcon 13:
km : Hello?
mrx : Hello, emergency fer71lity clinique
km: I was wan71ng a cert.
mrx: Hello, cert.
km: my box has b33n hacked because 1 was fucking stupid enough to say that
someone would enjoy doing it
in my last b00k. I think 1 am being vic71mised.
km: it was you?
mrx: er, it was?
km: finally, someone who listens to me!
km: can u please come and give me emergency response 4 the owning of my life.
mrx: sure, I have a cream 4 that.
mrx: but who are j0 mystery caller?
km: It is I! Kevin Mitnick, uber haxor and threat to the universe.
mrx: omgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomg!!!!
mrx: I have to go do some stuff first but i'll be round tonight k?
Sum 71me l473rz on IRC:
-:- Channel #f00 was cre473d at Mon Jan 2 00:43:16 2006
-:- BitchX: Join to #the_scene was synched in 0.001 secs!!
<s010> so yeah 1 humped gobbles leg and everything last year, I don't know
that he enjoyed it tho.
<MRX> j0 can't have, gobbles is my friend he would have let me share you.
<s010> would j0 think any less of me if 1 was drunk?
<[disguised as secret iden71ty]> we don't think anything of j0 anyway.
<s010> Em[dizguized to protect 0wned boxes - Ed.], j0 bastard.
<MRX> so chris, where is there pr00f of j0 even BEING at defcon?
<s010> I don't leave pr00f, my company doesn't even use UK coders.
we use eastern europeans amongst others
<[disguised as secret iden71ty]> but how about the pictures at
[As a public service we would like to give the "j0 Rox" award to the person
who en71tled this "Die so1o"
we cudnt agre more
We would alzo like to highlight the following to so1o's clients:-
"i was just fucking smashed.. telling ben stories about various things
like get71ng banned from driving last year
and being a sm00th (drunk) operator of course, talking to the barmaid,
girls from southmead that followed me from 71mbuk2, etc.
altho 1 lost my phone somehow Smashed but thats a g00d indicator of the
drunkness so it's not so bad
- s1"
Dun worry cris we mailed j0r sponsorz der linkz zo uj0 d1dn haf 2. -Ed. ]
<MRX> gtg have a d473.
dat nite:
Kevin, wid lust in his eye listens to the wordz mrx is tryin 2 impart 2
his ear whilst bi71ng again Kevin's shoulder as the penetra71ve exploits
of Mitnick Security Conslu71ng LLC take there natural course
[j0 are fuckzing jokin right?! -Ed.]
'push Kevin, back, push Kevin, back'. If only he knew that finally mrx
was believing the mantra echoing in the ears of those devoted to the cause..
'Put Kevin Back'..'Put Kevin Back'
With an int 0x80 and a obscene amount of packetloss MRX became the new
barer of Mitnicks 6th child [dat we knows about - Ed.]
[If j0 enjoyed da bit above (sick fux0rz) j0 can s33 more of Kevin
and MRX at their new home page
"www.grabbys.com" - Ed.]
Sum 71me l473rz in da red cross tent:
"IT'S A WHITEHAT!!!!" the nurze cried as da 2 do71ng parentz l00ked on
in wondermunt.
KM: 'Honeypot, we must think of a name 4 our l473st fork()'
MRX: 'he l00ks just like j0 my little realised sim, why not "snort"?'
und zo, after ! very much 71me [the submission 4 this ar71cle said
boredom - Ed.]
Majique Jerkov Mitnick was bathed in CISSP (CISSP P*SS
if j0 couldnt guess) and then da d00rs were shut on the scene as da
ini71a71on rights of aun71e Emmanuelle would work upon our new whitehat.
[I f33l ill - Ed.]
|=----------------------=[/C H A P T E R T W O/]=----------------------=|
We are wai71n to c wat wil becum of the l473st whitehat to the Mitnick
bruderhud. As j0r j0rnalistz supreme w3 4re exp3ct1n many oportunei71es
to hilight the whitehat exploitz of Mitnick->p_child.
and on that note we bringz to j0 our most recentz inven71on:-
drwxr-xr-x 3 r00t wh33l 102 Mar 26 2005 AppleAl71VecDVDDriver.bundle
drwxr-xr-x 3 r00t wh33l 102 aaa bb xx:yy AppleBlower.kext
[OH LOOK WAT WE DID! When we saw that, we knew what we had to do, sorry bois-Ed]
drwxr-xr-x 3 r00t wh33l 102 Mar 26 2005 AppleCPUThermo.kext
Rememberz boiz n girlz, a whitehat is 4 fuxing, not just 4 0wn1ng...
[althogh dun fuck em unless j0 like seaf00d, McNab has caused a pendemic
but who'd have thought furiez cud get crabz 2.. - Ed.]
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