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Message-ID: <>
Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2011 15:56:43 +0100
From: PsychoBilly <>
To: fdisclo <>
Subject: Re: Dancho Danchev gone missing in Bulgaria

Brain Hacking is so Next Step
Reminds me of someone...
Adriàn Lamo?

[[   laurent gaffie   ]] @ [[   17/01/2011 15:39   ]]--------------------------------------------------
> No sign at all he was crazy at the first place;
> Question *could be* why is he supposed to be in a psyco hospital by now ?
> Anyways, who is the source on that one ?
> Who have a clue, and on what do we rely to have an opinion ?
> _Blah_ we'll probably never know.
> Sounds like classic stuff here.
> 2011/1/18 Juha-Matti Laurio <>
>> He has been found:
>> via
>> Juha-Matti
>> Jamie Riden [] kirjoitti:
>>> On 16 January 2011 22:28, jf <> wrote:
>>>> On Sat, Jan 15, 2011 at 07:45:30PM +0000, Joe Average wrote:
>>>>> Via ZDNet:
>>>>> "Zero Day blogger and malware researcher Dancho Danchev has gone
>>>>> missing since August last year and we have some troubling information
>>>>> that suggests he may have been harmed in his native Bulgaria."
>>>>> "Dancho, who was relentless in his pursuit of cyber-criminals, last
>>>>> blogged here on August 18.  His personal blog has not been updated
>>>>> since September 11, 2010."
>>>>> More Information:
>>>> In soviet bulgaria, you not research malware author, malware author
>> research you.
>>> Bulgaria joined the European Union in 2007 - see
>>> Sorry to spoil the joke, but it's not like you can be disappeared at
>>> will in Bulgaria these days.
>>> I met Dancho a couple of years ago, btw - nice bloke, and we'd all
>>> like to know he's safe and well.
>>> cheers,
>>>  Jamie
>>> --
>>> Jamie Riden / /
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