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Message-ID: <1295280818.2958.16.camel@subarashii>
Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2011 17:13:38 +0100
From: phocean <>
Cc: "" <>
Subject: Re: Getting Off the Patch

> Sorry if me trying to help find solutions for those companies bothers 
> you so much. Please feel free to ignore my future posts and future 
> work then so as not to waste your time.

Dude, please don't take it personnaly. I was just debating and defending
my point of view.
I never meant to attack or offend you, and you did not bother me at all.
To the contrary, if I took time to answer, it's because I was interested

I respect you opinion but what I mean basically is that I need more to
be convinced.

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