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Message-ID: <>
Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2011 11:52:02 -0500
From: Григорий Братислава <>
To: Marsh Ray <>
Cc: "" <>
Subject: Re: The OpenBSD IPsec-Stuxnet connection.

Is nothing to see please do not feed troll. Everyone is see different
picture. Stuxnet is make by Russian coders who is was hired to work on
systems. Is you use maltego to connect the dots is via domains used,
is you see real picture of nuclear blackmail. Israel and US is use
someone elses work to take credit for. What is not seen or known is,
Russian coders now living in New Zealand is responsible for this
attack [shhh no tell the world the truth].

Is imagine for is moment you hijack complete nuclear facility without
care of possible fallout from accident. As criminal you is has nothing
to worry about. As government, is you cause an Iranian Chernobyl, you
is will have to deal with entire world. Do not be fooled. Jason is has
no time for Stuxnet as is obvious he is has been busy hiding his
backdoor from discovery

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