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Message-ID: <>
Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2011 09:04:12 +0100
From: Christian Sciberras <>
To: Roger Casteele <>
Subject: Re: Getting Off the Patch

Well, there's the CISSP expert that charges $100> hourly for a job that
includes reading through a thesis and calculating a risk percentage without
actually looking at any code.

Impressive age we're in, eh? "Don't write code for nuclear power stations,
maths tells us it will get hacked"

Besides, we all know where to get the best, twitter and
facebook of course!(!!)


On Fri, Jan 14, 2011 at 11:25 PM, Roger Casteele

> Valdis,
> The issue isn't respecting elders, it's the hubris of our generation who
> can't take advice from *anyone* else, unless it's a skinny kid who is
> "paletteable" and has an adams apple, smooth talker, etc.
> People are truly autistic this generation - Overly self-absorbed; clumped
> corrupted brain tissue.
> On that note Valdis, what's your story, what is your education?
> Roger C
> Cron Enterprises
> Jacksonville, FL
> --- On *Fri, 1/14/11, <>*wrote:
> From: <>
> Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] Getting Off the Patch
> To: "phocean" <>
> Cc: "" <>,
> "Zach C" <>,
> Date: Friday, January 14, 2011, 3:00 PM
> On Fri, 14 Jan 2011 09:25:51 +0100, phocean said:
> > But this is so well known, at least I thought, that I wonder what is the
> > purpose of all of this.
> It's a symptom of our industry slowly getting older.  In the '70s and '80s,
> pretty much everybody had 3-5 years experience, and almost nobody
> had more than 10, because the field wasn't 10 years old.  Nobody looked
> down on the newbies, because (a) they didn't stay newbies long because
> there was only 3-4 years worth of stuff to learn and (b) the old-timers
> could
> still remember being newbies themselves.
> Now it's different - the guys who were here at the beginning are all old,
> gray,
> and/or bald, and looking at retirement, and we have to start worrying about
> the collective brain drain that will happen at that time.  Meanwhile,
> demand
> is surging faster than truly qualified people can be supplied, so we're
> seeing
> a lot of young hires who only know what they learned in an 18 month course
> at ECPI or similar trade school.  In other words, we're at exactly the same
> position when the great flood of McSE holders happened a few years back.
> RFC1925 says: "Some things in life can never be fully appreciated nor
> understood unless experienced firsthand. Some things in networking can
> never be
> fully understood by someone who neither builds commercial networking
> equipment
> nor runs an operational network."  We've gotten to the point where a large
> segment of the industry wasn't taught "patching doesn't work" in school,
> and
> they have yet to experience it themselves out in the real world.
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