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Message-ID: <>
Date: Sat, 26 Mar 2011 04:05:08 +0900
From: アドリアンヘンドリック
Subject: Re: MSA-2524375 fraudulent digital certification
	updates on Windows Phone

Followingly I read article in the below url:

which quoted Microsoft statement as per below:
“Fraudulent digital certificates are not a Microsoft security vulnerability”
explained Microsoft Trustworthy Computing manager Bruce Cowper. “We have
been working to develop a mitigation update for Windows Phones,” added
Cowper. Microsoft has not provided a specific time-line for the update
saying it will provide “additional guidance as it comes available.”

Which means that,
1. the smartphone updates for fraudulent digital certification is not
included in the MSA-2524375.
2. Microsoft agreed that until the update released smartphone platform/
windows phone browser still have the fraudulent digital certificates
best regards,
Hendrik ADRIAN

2011/3/25 アドリアンヘンドリック <>

> Please help to advise the clarification of the MSA-2524375 updates, it may
> related to the zeroday.
> Regarding to the fraudulent digital certification on March 23rd, 2011
> Microsoft was releasing Microsoft Security Advisory 2524375 as per below
> url:
> which describing "..An update is available for all supported versions of
> Windows to help address this issue.."
> I was reviewing the updates described my Micorosoft is the below url:
> ..and found that Windows Phone a.k.a Windows Mobile wasn't included into
> the updates. Does it mean that Microsoft stated that smartphone browser is
> not affected by the fraudulent digital certification? Please kindly explain
> if I was wrong.
> ----
> best regards,
> Hendrik ADRIAN

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