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Message-ID: <>
Date: Fri, 13 May 2011 12:07:37 +0800
From: yu xi4o <>
Subject: Dns-suffix may lead to cross-domain and other
	security problems

We all know that dhcpd can set the dns suffix for its clients. For example ,
If we set the dns suffix as "". While doing the domain name
resolution  such as , all the client using this dhcp server will
try the following order.

1. System tries  to look up  if the dns find a IP addr , the
client will go on use this ip.
2. Otherwise , the system will automatically add the dns suffix to have
another try(This is partly true cos win7 only add dns suffix to the  dns
name doesn't contain a '.' ). This time will be  .If
the dns return the found addr,  program will happily use this result as its
right answer .This did bring some  convenient, but may lead to some problem,
for example cross-domain.

Scenario :
1.Company A.COM  provide secondary domain registation for their customers (
eg. free blog system) .People can register any username they want, from
example  test . Then his space will be  This works fine.

2.Company's internal network using a dhcp server which automatically adds an
A.COM dns suffix to their clients.

An attack wanna  gather some employees'  gmail account. He then can easily
register a username like then the full domain name will

When 's employees browser the web site contains a iframe such as
<iframe src="" >fuck it up</iframe>

Employees's  system will
1. try to resolve then get a false answer(NX Domain).
2.then try will get attacker's host IP addr.!!!

But the browser doesn't know this  & will happily send google's  cookies to
the attacker's web server.

Success on windows XP /Linux Ubuntu 11.04  IE FF Chrome~:)  Failed on win7
 cos its only add dns suffix to the  dnsname doesn't contain a '.'


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