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Message-ID: <>
Date: Fri, 13 May 2011 08:27:55 -0400
From: Dan Tulovsky <>
To: wac <>
Cc: "" <>
Subject: Re: iPhone Geolocation storage

Actually, the only thing boring here is your rant.

On Wed, May 11, 2011 at 4:01 AM, wac <> wrote:
> So many ppl waste so much time in dead end technology. Amazing. I once
> purchased a Mac and that's because it was old and extremely cheap.
> Didn't even used it. Nothing worked there. It hanged, the harddrive
> always got wrong bits in the bitmap after the hang. I wasted my money.
> Apple users are nothing but low end inferior animals to Apple Inc. I
> feel sorry about them. Honestly. Overpriced hardware tied to their
> software, infected with bugs to the bones, with abusive rules about
> the software they can run. And then they have to crack the very own
> hardware they payed so much money for. Poor animals. Now we know they
> are being tracked like cattle. And of course the decrepit argument
> that because software is digitally signed it won't let run anything
> malicious there. Hmmm that lie to an ignorant luser. Didn't the very
> own Ionescu loaded a non signed driver with a broken ATI driver and
> got his ass in Hollywood for doing that to windows. Hey the
> playstation got those proxy discs to load pirated discs years before.
> Are all applications in appstore bug free? :D Why they just doesn't
> say that they want to control the software market and apply
> monopolistic rules/rates? Too strong? Folks, just ignore them. They
> are a Zero already. Is not even worth to jailbreak their bullshit.
> That's exactly the game Apple Inc. want you to play. Use you like a
> rabbit so hackers break the platform and software developers take the
> bait. Same goes for users. They will think they have their amazing
> free piece of crap to then get an iBrick, software developers banned
> and hackers effort thrown in the trash can  with an update that takes
> them seconds. And of course the press blah blah blah. Boring.
> On 5/4/11, Jeffrey Walton <> wrote:
>> iOS 4.3.3 is now available. From the two iPhone forensics
>> books I have, trimming the location database (consolidated.db) is like
>> sticking your thumb in a hole in a New Orleans levy. It ain't gonna
>> help much.
>> Jeff
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