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Message-ID: <>
Date: Sun, 2 Oct 2011 10:31:29 +1100
From: xD 0x41 <>
To: "andrew.wallace" <>
Subject: Re: VPN providers and any providers in general...

Ah, the legend of the mailing-list himself, has spoken.
not knowing you, for all i have seen, your a pathetic sack of rubbish, and
really, what we are discussing, if you had ANY clue, wich obv dont, is
simply how far our own freedom is going.
You are an idiot.
Have a nice day.

On 2 October 2011 08:45, andrew.wallace <>wrote:

> On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 5:50 AM,  <> wrote:
> > On Sat, 01 Oct 2011 09:16:11 +1000, xD 0x41 said:
> >
> >> As you also said, murder is a no brainer in any place...well, maybe not
> iraq
> >> or afghanistan just yet :P lol..
> >
> > Iraq, for all its problems, is still a place with a somewhat functional
> > judicial system. The court system may be broken, but you in general
> *will* at
> > least appear in a courtroom with a judge and be pronounced guilty before
> you're
> > punished.
> >
> > I was actually thinking more along the lines of  totally failed states
> such as
> > Somalia, Sudan, or the contested parts of Afghanistan, where you can't be
> tried
> > for murder because there isn't a court to try you *in*.
> >
> Have you not grown old of talking to children on mailing lists?
> ---
> Andrew Wallace
> Independent consultant

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