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Message-ID: <>
Date: Sat, 12 Nov 2011 02:42:00 +0000
From: baqstabz <>
Subject: Re: Microsoft Windows vulnerability in TCP/IP
 Could Allow Remote Code Execution (2588516)

Judging by your posts I would go out on the edge and say that you have 
about as much chance of having 0-day (yes, that is including xxs) as 
your mommy. face it lol

Now please, stfu son, you're sounding like a total tardlump; otherwise 
we will have to unleash the dragons and let you see what a 10k botnet 
feels like.

On 11/11/2011 23:26, xD 0x41 wrote:
> Indeeed.
> Seeing how the wolves are, i ceertainly would bnot release it.
> i am only saying, I am using cpp, and windows, and, the exploit
> bypasses all protections, but, since you guys dont have the actual
> real poc for it, i guess, i would not be saying anything more, and,
> ill be leaving it, for the proper poc author, to make that choice,
> wich, personally, i would never handout to a bunch of disrepectful
> people, as i see, when this is, nothing, i habve held onto, atleast 2
> GOOd MS 0days for years, you rally think, i will handout the right way
> todo this ?
> pfft..   yer right, lets go hand everyone the ms bug :PP ofc, why
> would i ever not want a 10 k botnet up in a day...  hell yea!
> i would neverm, give more about this, on this topic, because, i have
> seen how people are now on this list and, saddens me that half of you
> do not have a brain. unfortunately..and, saince i dont wish to break
> any deals made with ms etc, then, i cannot say anything, i dont know,
> why this is hard to understand..and, i will NOT handout a working
> scanner, regardless...
> and, believe it, it does NOT take 49days atall to exploit... theres
> alot, you dont know..yet.
> dont ask me further, please.
> i should never have even said anything, again, i wont make that
> mistake again, the proof, will as always be n the pudding...
> later.
> On 12 November 2011 10:17, Michal Zalewski<>  wrote:
>>> next time, i wont say shit, and, believe it.
>> Well it's just that the attack you are describing will be thwarted by
>> setting a sticky bit on /tmp, and you have not demonstrated otherwise.
>> /mz
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