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Message-ID: <>
Date:	Mon, 22 Jun 2009 15:02:35 -0700
From:	Tim Bird <>
To:	Pavel Machek <>
CC:	Marco Stornelli <>,
	Jamie Lokier <>,
	Linux Embedded <>,
	Linux Kernel <>,
	Linux FS Devel <>,
	Daniel Walker <>
Subject: Re: [PATCH 00/14] Pramfs: Persistent and protected ram filesystem

Pavel Machek wrote:
> You are saying top goal is robustness, while the web page says (home
> page, stop using frames!):
> "embedded systems have a block of non-volatile RAM seperate from
> normal system memory, i.e. of which the kernel maintains no memory
> page descriptors. For such systems it would be beneficial to mount a
> fast read/write filesystem over this "I/O memory", for storing
> frequently accessed data that must survive system reboots and power
> cycles"
> Note the "frequently accessed" and "fast".
> IOW the web page is confusing. It does not talk about robustness at
> all.

OK, thanks.

Tim Bird
Architecture Group Chair, CE Linux Forum
Senior Staff Engineer, Sony Corporation of America

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