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Message-ID: <05bebc4c-eabf-a21b-cf5a-79a09fe71e02@tom.com>
Date: Thu, 28 Sep 2017 12:34:38 +0800
From: "Wei Hu (Xavier)" <xavier.huwei@....com>
To: Doug Ledford <dledford@...hat.com>
Cc: Leon Romanovsky <leon@...nel.org>,
"Wei Hu (Xavier)" <xavier.huwei@...wei.com>,
linux-rdma@...r.kernel.org, lijun_nudt@....com, oulijun@...wei.com,
charles.chenxin@...wei.com, liuyixian@...wei.com,
xushaobo2@...wei.com, zhangxiping3@...wei.com, linuxarm@...wei.com,
Subject: Re: [PATCH for-next 05/20] RDMA/hns: Add command queue support for
hip08 RoCE driver
On 2017/9/27 20:41, Doug Ledford wrote:
> On Wed, 2017-09-27 at 08:21 -0400, Doug Ledford wrote:
>>> And if you argee, after this patchset has been accepted we will
>> send a
>>> following up patch :
>>> In hns_roce_cmq_send function, replace
>>> usleep_range(1000, 2000);
>>> with the following statement:
>>> udelay(1);
>>> And if so, we can avoid using usleep_range function in
>> spin_lock_bh
>>> spin region,
>>> because it probally cause calltrace.
>> Ok, I'm fine with that. I'll pull these in.
> OK, these are in my tree, thanks.
Thanks a lot.
Wei Hu
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