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Message-ID: <>
Date:   Mon, 13 May 2019 09:41:18 +0200
From:   Neil Armstrong <>
To:     Jerome Brunet <>,
        Kevin Hilman <>
Subject: Re: [PATCH 1/2] arm64: dts: meson: sei510: consistently order nodes

On 11/05/2019 17:52, Jerome Brunet wrote:
> On Fri, 2019-05-10 at 14:43 -0700, Kevin Hilman wrote:
>> minor nit: I kind of like "aliases" and "chosen" at the top since they
>> are kind of special nodes, but honestly, I can't think of a really good
>> reason other than personal preference, so keeping things sorted as
>> you've done here is probably better.
> You thought the same, then thought maybe memory was important too. But going
> down that path, you end up sorting by feeling. It is going to be difficult
> to all agree on which nodes are special.
> In the end, we just want/need something that is easy to respect and verify.

I think it would be better to have the same layout for aliases and memory over
all the amlogic DTS, it's common over all socs to have these nodes on top.


>> Kevin
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