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Message-ID: <790910eb-4876-49de-b8eb-0ac50868bc1f@amd.com>
Date: Sat, 1 Mar 2025 11:03:29 -0800
From: Yidong Zhang <yidong.zhang@....com>
To: Xu Yilun <yilun.xu@...ux.intel.com>
CC: <linux-kernel@...r.kernel.org>, <linux-fpga@...r.kernel.org>,
<mdf@...nel.org>, <hao.wu@...el.com>, <yilun.xu@...el.com>,
<lizhi.hou@....com>, DMG Karthik <Karthik.DMG@....com>, Nishad Saraf
<nishads@....com>, Hayden Laccabue <hayden.laccabue@....com>
Subject: Re: [PATCH V2 1/4] drivers/fpga/amd: Add new driver amd versal-pci
On 3/1/25 00:20, Xu Yilun wrote:
> Caution: This message originated from an External Source. Use proper caution when opening attachments, clicking links, or responding.
>> My last question for this topic:
>> If we decide to upstream both userPF and mgmtPF driver together, could them
>> be both within the drivers/fpga/amd as in-tree driver? This will help user
> I don't look into your full driver stack. Generally, if your drivers are
> all about reprogramming, then yes. If they are also about all kinds of
> accelaration functions you'd better split them out in different domains.
> I may not have enough knowledge to make them correct.
The driver has more features than just re-programing. The re-programing
is already done in the embedded firmware that's why the mgmtPF driver is
just a utility driver.
The userPF driver has features such as:
xdma (already in drivers/xilinx/xdma as platform driver)
qdma (already in drivers/amd/qdma as platform driver)
mailbox and more which have not been upstreamed in linux kernel yet.
The driver architecture is:
userPF driver (as pci_driver)
qdma (as platform_driver)
mailbox (as platform_driver)
mailbox (as platform_driver)
mgmtPF driver (as pci_driver)
Embedded firmware (re-programing done here)
Right now, I am working on upstreaming the mgmtPF driver as pci_driver.
In the future, I think the userPF driver should be fitting into the
"drivers/fpga", given that should manage all these platform_drivers and
utilize the fpga_region callbacks to online/offline services due to
hardware changes after re-programing.
> Thanks,
> Yilun
>> find source code easily.
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