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Message-ID: <>
Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2025 20:44:10 +0000
From: Chris Packham <>
To: Andrew Lunn <>
CC: "" <>, ""
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	"" <>, ""
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	"" <>, ""
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	netdev <>, ""
Subject: Re: [PATCH v10] net: mdio: Add RTL9300 MDIO driver

On 14/03/2025 09:40, Andrew Lunn wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 13, 2025 at 08:37:18PM +0000, Chris Packham wrote:
>> On 14/03/2025 09:35, Andrew Lunn wrote:
>>> On Thu, Mar 13, 2025 at 07:54:39PM +0000, Chris Packham wrote:
>>>> +cc netdev, lkml
>>>> On 14/03/2025 01:34, Andrew Lunn wrote:
>>>>>> +	/* Put the interfaces into C45 mode if required */
>>>>>> +	glb_ctrl_mask = GENMASK(19, 16);
>>>>>> +	for (i = 0; i < MAX_SMI_BUSSES; i++)
>>>>>> +		if (priv->smi_bus_is_c45[i])
>>>>>> +			glb_ctrl_val |= GLB_CTRL_INTF_SEL(i);
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> +	fwnode_for_each_child_node(node, child)
>>>>>> +		if (fwnode_device_is_compatible(child, "ethernet-phy-ieee802.3-c45"))
>>>>>> +			priv->smi_bus_is_c45[mdio_bus] = true;
>>>>>> +
>>>>> This needs more explanation. Some PHYs mix C22 and C45, e.g. the > 1G
>>>>> speed support registers are in the C45 address space, but <= 1G is in
>>>>> the C22 space. And 1G PHYs which support EEE need access to C45 space
>>>>> for the EEE registers.
>>>> Ah good point. The MDIO interfaces are either in GPHY (i.e. clause 22)
>>>> or 10GPHY mode (i.e. clause 45). This does mean we can't support support
>>>> both c45 and c22 on the same MDIO bus (whether that's one PHY that
>>>> supports both or two different PHYs). I'll add a comment to that effect
>>>> and I should probably only provide bus->read/write or
>>>> bus->read_c45/write_c45 depending on the mode.
>>> Is there more to it than this? Because why not just set the mode per
>>> bus transaction?
>> It's a bus level setting at init time. You can't dynamically switch modes.
> Why not? The bus is only every doing one transaction at a time, so why
> not switch it per transaction?

I'm pretty sure it would upset the hardware polling mechanism which 
unfortunately we can't disable (earlier I thought we could but there are 
various switch features that rely on it).

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