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Message-Id: <20100710.191242.70196353.davem@davemloft.net>
Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2010 19:12:42 -0700 (PDT)
From: David Miller <davem@...emloft.net>
To: therbert@...gle.com
Cc: vladz@...adcom.com, netdev@...r.kernel.org
Subject: Re: [PATCH] bnx2x: add support for receive hashing
From: Tom Herbert <therbert@...gle.com>
Date: Wed, 7 Jul 2010 12:17:31 -0700
> It is to enable the device to provide the RSS hash in RX descriptor.
> The hash severs two purposes now, it's used internally in the device
> to perform RSS table lookup and also value in RX descriptor. The
> latter does not require multi-queue. Strictly speaking, on a single
> processor system without multqueue, it would be true that enabling the
> RX hash on bnx2x is currently superfluous (notwithstanding some other
> use of the hash might be implemented).
We intend to use the card provided RSS hash to optimize GSO
flow comparisons at some point.
There are other possible uses as well.
Therefore even in a single RX queue configuration, the driver
should provide the hash if it can.
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