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Message-Id: <20110714.145857.1611970250010658023.davem@davemloft.net>
Date: Thu, 14 Jul 2011 14:58:57 -0700 (PDT)
From: David Miller <davem@...emloft.net>
To: mirq-linux@...e.qmqm.pl
Cc: netdev@...r.kernel.org, fubar@...ibm.com, andy@...yhouse.net,
Subject: Re: [PATCH 06/10] net: remove NETIF_F_ALL_TX_OFFLOADS
From: Micha�� Miros��aw <mirq-linux@...e.qmqm.pl>
Date: Thu, 14 Jul 2011 23:54:01 +0200
> I agree about the fallbacks, but this patch is about fixing a regression
> that's going to hit 3.0. Now all bonding devices always advertise e.g.
> SCTP_CSUM. Sorry if I was unclear about this.
Why are you mixing cleanups and bug fixes?
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