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Message-ID: <>
Date:	Fri, 14 Mar 2014 09:58:43 +0100
From:	Bjørn Mork <>
To:	Pasi Kärkkäinen <>
Cc:	Dan Williams <>,,, Enrico Mioso <>,
	Oliver Neukum <>
Subject: Re: [PATCH net-next v6 0/3] The huawei_cdc_ncm driver / E3276 problem

Pasi Kärkkäinen <> writes:

> ^NDISSTAT:1,,,"IPV4"
> ^RSSI: 21
> <I send: AT^DHCP?>
> ^DHCP: CCDB080A,F8FFFFFF,C9DB080A,C9DB080A,E67B59C0,E77B59C0,85600,85600

The hex numbers are IPv4 addresses in little endian. The decimal numbers
at the end are speed down/up IIRC.

Printed in a more readable form, this is:,,,,,,85600,85600

I believe this is to be interpreted as

 yourip, netmask, gw, gw?, dns1, dns2

Do stuff work if you manually configure the interface with the address and set the default route to

This is one way to rewrite the addresses if you need to for a new

 perl -e 'print join(".", reverse map {hex} unpack("(A2)*", shift)),"\n"' C9DB080A


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