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Date: Sat, 1 Mar 2025 17:00:13 +0000
From: Haiyang Zhang <haiyangz@...rosoft.com>
To: Yunsheng Lin <yunshenglin0825@...il.com>, "linux-hyperv@...r.kernel.org"
<linux-hyperv@...r.kernel.org>, "akpm@...ux-foundation.org"
<akpm@...ux-foundation.org>, "linux-mm@...ck.org" <linux-mm@...ck.org>
CC: Dexuan Cui <decui@...rosoft.com>, KY Srinivasan <kys@...rosoft.com>, Paul
Rosswurm <paulros@...rosoft.com>, "olaf@...fle.de" <olaf@...fle.de>, vkuznets
<vkuznets@...hat.com>, "davem@...emloft.net" <davem@...emloft.net>,
"wei.liu@...nel.org" <wei.liu@...nel.org>, Long Li <longli@...rosoft.com>,
"linux-kernel@...r.kernel.org" <linux-kernel@...r.kernel.org>,
"linyunsheng@...wei.com" <linyunsheng@...wei.com>, "stable@...r.kernel.org"
<stable@...r.kernel.org>, "netdev@...r.kernel.org" <netdev@...r.kernel.org>,
Alexander Duyck <alexander.duyck@...il.com>
Subject: RE: [EXTERNAL] Re: [PATCH] mm: page_frag: Fix refill handling in
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Yunsheng Lin <yunshenglin0825@...il.com>
> Sent: Saturday, March 1, 2025 8:50 AM
> To: Haiyang Zhang <haiyangz@...rosoft.com>; linux-hyperv@...r.kernel.org;
> akpm@...ux-foundation.org; linux-mm@...ck.org
> Cc: Dexuan Cui <decui@...rosoft.com>; KY Srinivasan <kys@...rosoft.com>;
> Paul Rosswurm <paulros@...rosoft.com>; olaf@...fle.de; vkuznets
> <vkuznets@...hat.com>; davem@...emloft.net; wei.liu@...nel.org; Long Li
> <longli@...rosoft.com>; linux-kernel@...r.kernel.org;
> linyunsheng@...wei.com; stable@...r.kernel.org; netdev@...r.kernel.org;
> Alexander Duyck <alexander.duyck@...il.com>
> Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: [PATCH] mm: page_frag: Fix refill handling in
> __page_frag_alloc_align()
> +cc netdev ML & Alexander
> On 3/1/2025 10:03 AM, Haiyang Zhang wrote:
> > In commit 8218f62c9c9b ("mm: page_frag: use initial zero offset for
> > page_frag_alloc_align()"), the check for fragsz is moved earlier.
> > So when the cache is used up, and if the fragsz > PAGE_SIZE, it won't
> > try to refill, and just return NULL.
> > I tested it with fragsz:8192, cache-size:32768. After the initial four
> > successful allocations, it failed, even there is plenty of free memory
> > in the system.
> Hi, Haiyang
> It seems the PAGE_SIZE is 4K for the tested system?
> Which drivers or subsystems are passing the fragsz being bigger than
> PAGE_SIZE to page_frag_alloc_align() related API?
For example, our MANA driver when using jumbo frame.
> > To fix, revert the refill logic like before: the refill is attempted
> > before the check & return NULL.
> page_frag API is not really for allocating memory being bigger than
> PAGE_SIZE as __page_frag_cache_refill() will not try hard enough to
> allocate order 3 compound page when calling __alloc_pages() and will
> fail back to allocate base page as the discussed in below:
> https://lore.ker/
> nel.org%2Fall%2Fead00fb7-8538-45b3-8322-
> 8a41386e7381%40huawei.com%2F&data=05%7C02%7Chaiyangz%40microsoft.com%7Cd73
> d6a0ae65b4a42681c08dd58c8087b%7C72f988bf86f141af91ab2d7cd011db47%7C1%7C0%7
> C638764338396356411%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJFbXB0eU1hcGkiOnRydWUsIlYiOi
> IwLjAuMDAwMCIsIlAiOiJXaW4zMiIsIkFOIjoiTWFpbCIsIldUIjoyfQ%3D%3D%7C0%7C%7C%7
> C&sdata=FJ7Ggrxxxv6QzKepUiHmtns1GZC2G2oJMcWSzOuFbsE%3D&reserved=0
We are already aware of this, and have error checking in place for the failover
case to "base page".
>From the discussion thread above, there are other drivers using
page_frag_alloc_align() for over PAGE_SIZE too. If making the page_frag API
support only fragsz <= PAGE_SIZE is desired, can we create another API? One
keeps the existing API semantics (allowing > PAGE_SIZE), the other uses
your new code. By the way, it should add an explicit check and fail ALL requests
for fragsz > PAGE_SIZE. Currently your code successfully allocates big frags
for a few times, then fail. This is not a desired behavior. It's also a
breaking change for our MANA driver, which can no longer run Jumbo frames.
@Andrew Morton <akpm@...ux-foundation.org>
And other maintainers, could you please also evaluate the idea above?
- Haiyang
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