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Message-ID: <488D4096.5000906@xnet.co.nz>
Date: Mon, 28 Jul 2008 15:44:22 +1200
From: Peter Mallett <zl2bau@...t.co.nz>
To: Pidoux <f6bvp@...e.fr>
CC: David Robb <ender@...adise.gen.nz>, linux-hams@...r.kernel.org,
David Miller <davem@...emloft.net>,
Ralf Baechle <ralf@...ux-mips.org>,
Linux Netdev List <netdev@...r.kernel.org>
Subject: Re: baycom_ser_fdx - fixed under 2.6
Pidoux wrote:
> Hi,
> This is a trivial but very important bug fix. Thanks David.
> It was probably not submitted to the right destination and thus never
> applied.
> This bug may have discouraged more than one radioamateur wishing to
> experiment baycom style modems under Linux.
> Fortunately you have done a very good historical search.
> I rebuilt the patch against 2.6.26 kernel (the only source I have here
> on my laptop at my remote location during vacation).
> I Cc: to David Miller and Ralf Baechle DL5RB maintainers of Linux net
> devices drivers and Linux AX25 drivers, respectively.
> 73 de Bernard, f6bvp
> --- a/drivers/net/hamradio/hdlcdrv.c 2008-07-22 10:40:20.000000000
> +0200
> +++ b/drivers/net/hamradio/hdlcdrv.c 2008-07-22 10:42:13.000000000
> +0200
> @@ -88,6 +88,7 @@
> static inline void append_crc_ccitt(unsigned char *buffer, int len)
> {
> unsigned int crc = crc_ccitt(0xffff, buffer, len) ^ 0xffff;
> + buffer += len;
> *buffer++ = crc;
> *buffer++ = crc >> 8;
> }
> David Robb wrote :
>> So it seems that I might be the only person in the world who's still
>> attempting to use a Baycom bp-1 pocket modem under Linux, but oh well..
>> As a number of people noticed back in about 2005 (and some even
>> earlier), the baycom_ser_fdx driver hasn't worked under Linux 2.6 for
>> a few years (possibly ever).
>> Various people poked around
>> (http://osdir.com/ml/hams/2005-05/msg00022.html) and determined that
>> there was some kind of packet corruption going on, and that the CRC
>> was mangled.
>> Well, after bashing my head against it a few times over the last few
>> months (I guess I was bored), and finally thinking that it mightn't
>> be in the baycom_ser_fdx driver that the problem actually was, I
>> tracked it down to the hdlcdrv code instead...
>> Someone called Micah actually figured this out in 2004, and submitted
>> a patch, but it never made it into the kernel (at least in my
>> it's still broken):
>> http://linux.derkeiler.com/Mailing-Lists/Kernel/2004-11/2929.html
>> The CRC's overwriting some of the packet...
>> So anyway, applying the patch listed at that URL (1 line! Just one
>> little line!) my BP-1 now works again under 2.6.25.
>> Perhaps I'm strange for wanting this working in these days of high
>> speed links, but hey... it seems sad to have broken code and no
>> support where there used to be a functional device.
>> Anyway, share and enjoy.
>> --David ZL3UDR
> --
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The Baycom MoDem problem is one I have battled for quite a while here.
How do I apply this patch to my Ubuntu 2.6.20-17-generic kernel.
I have the linux-source-2.6.20-2.6.20 source so which file do I apply
the patch too ?
Then I need to recompile it ?
Would this bug also affect the SCC Baycom card ?
Regards ..... Peter
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